Letter | Hint | Answer | % Correct |
C | Site of a nuclear power plant disaster in 1986 | Chernobyl | 97%
I | Largest city in Turkey | Istanbul | 95%
K | National animal of Australia | Kangaroo | 95%
B | German state whose capital is Munich | Bavaria | 93%
T | Island state of Australia | Tasmania | 89%
A | Longest mountain range in the world (on land) | Andes | 87%
J | Largest city in the Southern Hemisphere | Jakarta | 86%
V | Oceanic country whose capital is Port Vila | Vanuatu | 86%
P | Country that controls the Azores | Portugal | 85%
G | Town in south-east London which the Prime Meridian passes through | Greenwich | 81%
O | Nebraskan city or Normandy beach | Omaha | 81%
U | Pakistani language similar to Hindi | Urdu | 80%
W | Most north-westerly state of contiguous America | Washington | 79%
Y | Jewish language spoken in eastern Europe | Yiddish | 79%
D | Currency of Algeria, Iraq, Kuwait etc. | Dinar | 77%
Z | Tanzanian island where the Sultan of Oman once lived | Zanzibar | 77%
H | Annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca | Hajj | 71%
L | Longest river in France | Loire | 71%
M | U.S. desert home to Death Valley | Mojave | 71%
R | Famous highway that stretches from California to Illinois | Route 66 | 71%
X | The Terracotta Army was discovered near this city | Xi'an | 62%
E | Where tidal waters meet fresh water, usually in the mouth of a large river | Estuary | 61%
F | Canadian bay with the world's highest tides | Fundy | 49%
N | Native name for Japan | Nihon | 43%
S | Large disputed island of eastern Russia or northern Japan | Sakhalin | 38%
Q | Official language of Peru | Quechua | 34%
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