Question | Answer | % Correct |
what happens in 23000bc | atlanteans arrive | 69%
when did sponge out of the water come out | 2015 | 63%
who will discover spongehenge | aliens in 5007 | 56%
when did glove world get destroyed | 2012 | 44%
what is the name of the episode on the dawn of spongegar | ugh | 44%
true or false pegos existed | true | 38%
when is the western era | 1892 | 31%
when does bikini bottom have a windmill | 1954 | 31%
what year is "the dawn of spongegar" | 6000bc | 31%
when did bubbles begin his watch | 7985bc | 25%
what year does squidward invent jellyfishing | 8000bc | 25%
true or false tartar sauce defeats man ray | false | 25%
what was spongegars first word | banooga | 19%
what year is krabby patties invented | 1199 | 13%
when is the time capsule going to open | 2060 | 6%