Quizzes by eibi

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user eibi.
# of Quizzes 59
# Subscribers 1
Times taken 16,010
Quizmaker Rank # 1,877
3,3502020-02-09Landkreise in Hessen
2,3122022-12-22Top 100 Cities in Africa
2,2462019-12-14Fußball-Weltmeister (Herren)
1,8902020-06-23Name a Valid Chemical Element
9852015-02-10Deutsche Mittelgebirge
6892020-02-03Personen aus Büchern
3832019-04-23Wo bin ich - Autokennzeichen
3302019-01-07People in pictures with Mao Zedong
3262015-02-05Bezirke der DDR
1912018-08-17Classical Composers by Picture
1892017-07-26Movies that Start with B #2
1822019-07-13More Pictures by Letter - E
1642019-07-13More Pictures by Letter - A
1642022-01-06Das große Leipzig-Quiz
1562019-01-07People in pictures with the Dalai Lama
1542019-03-11Countries by Bread Consumption
1082015-01-29Fanta4 - Die Fantastischen Vier
772018-08-04"Of something" Song Titles #2
752018-10-14Russian Capitals
712022-01-24British Pop/Rock Songs By Initials
682019-01-01Who died in 2018
642018-09-13Technology by Letter: A
582020-08-17Things Brought to us by COVID-19
522018-09-13Technology by Letter: C
452018-09-13Technology by Letter: B
382016-08-20Callsign Prefixes
372018-09-13Technology by Letter: D
352019-10-18Pro- Vocabulary Words Quiz #3
332022-07-13Technology by Letter: R
272018-09-13Technology by Letter: T
262018-09-13Technology by Letter: S
242019-04-23Guess city by license plates (Euro edition)
222021-08-18Countries with Largest Mountain Area
222018-09-13Technology by Letter: W
222019-04-03Cities with two Z
212018-09-13Technology by Letter: I
212018-09-13Technology by Letter: E
212018-09-13Technology by Letter: N
212018-09-13Technology by letter: M
202018-09-13Technology by Letter: G
192018-09-13Technology by Letter: Q
192018-09-13Technology by Letter: O
192019-04-23Guess city by car tags (US edition)
192018-09-13Technology by Letter: L
192018-09-13Technology by Letter: J
182018-09-13Technology by Letter: H
182018-09-13Technology by Letter: F
172018-09-13Technology by Letter: P
172018-09-13Technology by Letter: K
172018-09-13Technology by Letter: U
162018-09-13Technology by Letter: X
162018-09-13Technology by Letter: Z
152018-09-13Technology by Letter: Y
152018-09-13Technology by Letter: V
142019-12-13Elections of 2019
102019-03-05Stars by Constellation
102018-09-13Shortwave Transmitter Sites