Name an element that ...
.. is a gas
Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, ...
| a liquid
Bromine, Mercury
| yellow
Sulphur, Gold, Fluorine, (Caesium, Chlorine)
..occurs naturally AND was discovered in the 20th century
Actinium, Lutetium, Rhenium, ...
| named after an object in the solar system
Helium, Cerium, Uranium, ...
| named after a country
Copper, Germanium, Nihonium, ...
| named after a city
Yttrium, Holmium, Berkelium, ...
| named after a woman (real or mythological)
Meitnerium, Curium; Vanadium, Selenium, Niobium
..does not end in "-ium", "-ine", "-en", or "-on"
Gold, Silver, Lead, Antimony ...
..contains the letter X
Oxygen, Xenon
..was named in the 21st century
Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, ...
..makes red fireworks
Lithium, Strontium
..was discovered during the Manhattan Project
Americium, Curium
| found in charcoal, diamonds, and lima beans
| a "rare earth"
Cerium, Neodymium, Praseodymium, ...
..has an extra "i" in Britain, but not in the U.S.
..was once named Kurchatovium (Ku)