Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Tech giant that makes iProducts | Apple | 98%
Flying means of transportation | Airplane | 92%
OS competing with the above | Android | 84%
Broadcasting on mediumwave, e.g. | AM Radio | 72%
Metal rod to send or receive radio waves | Antenna | 70%
Primeval technology to cut wood | Axe | 70%
Mixture of different metals | Alloy | 57%
Device to increase a signal | Amplifier | 57%
Road-building material | Asphalt | 57%
Converts US plugs for use in the UK, e.g. | Adapter | 51%
Harmful insulation material | Asbestos | 51%
Light metal extracted from Bauxite | Alumin(i)um | 49%
Variable opening of a camera | Aperture | 46%
Roman water transport system | Aqueduct | 46%
Curved feature of buildings | Arch | 41%
Plastic used as a glass substitute | Acrylic | 20%
Fertilizer substance that made Haber and Bosch famous | Ammonia | 20%
Spinning part of any weather station | Anemometer | 15%
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