1645 AD
Parliamentarian forces under Oliver Cromwell defeat the Royalist forces, greatly weakening Royalist power throughout the rest of the First English Civil War
Battle of Naseby
1658 AD
French and English forces defeat the Spanish on these seaside "downs", leading to the end of the Franco-Spanish Wars
Battle of the Dunes
1704 AD
France is overwhelmingly defeated by a coalition of Holy Roman, British, and Dutch forces during the War of the Spanish Succession
Battle of Blenheim
1709 AD
Russia decisively defeats Sweden near this Ukrainian city in the largest battle of the Great Northern War, establishing Russian hegemony in Northern Europe
Battle of Poltava
1746 AD
British forces defeat Jacobite rebels in the last battle fought on British soil, ending the clan system and beginning the suppression of highland culture
Battle of Culloden
1757 AD
British East India Company forces defeat the Nawab of Bengal and his French allies, seizing control of Bengal
Battle of Plassey
1759 AD
British forces in the Seven Years' War defeat the French and capture this city, ending French dominance in Canada
Battle of Quebec
1776 AD
American forces cross the Delaware and defeat German mercenaries stationed in this New Jersey city
Battle of Trenton
1777 AD
Often considered the turning point of the American Revolutionary War
Battle of Saratoga
1781 AD
Last major land battle of the American Revolutionary War, leading to Britain's surrender
Battle of Yorktown
1792 AD
French forces halt Prussian troops attempting to march on Paris, protecting the continuation of the French revolution
Battle of Valmy
1797 AD
Napoleon defeats Austrian forces and consolidates Northern Italy under French control
Battle of Rivoli
1798 AD
The British fleet under Admiral Horatio Nelson defeat Napoleon's fleet and repel his invasion of Egypt
Battle of Aboukir Bay
1805 AD
The British navy under Admiral Horatio Nelson defeat the French and Spanish fleets, destroying Napoleon's plans to invade England
Battle of Trafalgar
1806 AD
Napoleon defeats the Prussian forces and subjugates Prussia into the French Empire
Battle of Jena-Auerstedt
1811 AD
American forces under William Henry Harrison defeat a confederation of Native American Tribes and end Native American resistance in the Midwest (and give Harrison this nickname)
Battle of Tippecanoe
1812 AD
Napoleon defeats Russian forces which allows him to advance on Moscow
Battle of Borodino
1813 AD
Napoleon's is defeated by the forces of the Sixth Coalition at this German city, leading to his abdication and exile
Battle of Leipzig
1815 AD
Napoleon's final battle
Battle of Waterloo
1824 AD
The Independentists defeat royalist forces and secure Peruvian independence; often considered the end of the Spanish American Wars of Independence
Battle of Ayacucho
1836 AD
Texan forces defeat Mexican forces in the final battle of the Texas Revolution, securing Texan independence
Battle of San Jacinto
1847 AD
American forces capture this city, ending the Mexican-American War
Battle for Mexico City
1862 AD
First Confederate invasion on the North is repelled; remains the bloodiest day in American history
Battle of Antietam
1863 AD
Biggest battle of the American Civil War; ends any Confederate attempts to invade the North
Battle of Gettysburg
1864 AD
General Sherman captures this important Confederate city and begins the March to the Sea
Battle of Atlanta
1870 AD
French forces are defeated and the last emperor of the French is captured by the Prussians in the biggest battle of the Franco-Prussian War
Battle of Sedan
1882 AD
British forces defeat Egyptian rebels and go on to capture Cairo during the Anglo-Egyptian War
Battle of Tel El-Kebir
1898 AD
The American fleet destroys the Spanish fleet in this important harbor, ending Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines
Battle of Manila Bay
1905 AD
Russian forces are defeated and driven out of Southern Manchuria by the Japanese near this Chinese city
Battle of Mukden
1905 AD
The Japanese navy destroys the Russian fleet at this strategic strait, securing Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War
Battle of Tsushima
1914 AD
German forces are halted at this river, saving Paris from capture
First Battle of the Marne
1916 AD
A German attack on this city is repelled by the French at the cost of heavy casualties
Battle of Verdun
1916 AD
Russian forces launch a devastating offensive against the Central Powers, but is cut short due to supply issues
Brusilov Offensive
1918 AD
The last major German offensive is repelled, marking the beginning of German defeat in World War One
Second Battle of the Marne
1920 AD
Polish forces, on the verge of defeat, repel and defeat the Red Army in the outskirts of this city
Battle of Warsaw
1939 AD
German and Soviet forces invade this country, marking the beginning of the Second World War
Invasion of Poland
1940 AD
Allied forces are evacuated from this French port as German forces close in
Battle of Dunkirk
1940 AD
The German Luftwaffe is repelled by the British RAF during this campaign, forcing Hitler to abandon his plans of a British invasion
Battle of Britain
1941 AD
German forces are repelled by the Soviets at the gates of this city, forcing them to settle for the winter
Battle of Moscow
1941 AD
The Japanese air force attacks the United States naval base located here, leading to the United States' joining the Allies
Attack on Pearl Harbor
1942 AD
This important British stronghold in the Pacific is captured by Japanese forces
Fall of Singapore
1942 AD
American forces decisively defeat and repel a Japanese invasion on these strategic atolls, marking a turning point for the Allies in the Pacific theatre
Battle of Midway
1944 AD
The Allies launch the largest seaborne invasion in history on this French region
Invasion of Normandy
1945 AD
Allied forces capture this Japanese island in the bloodiest battle of the Pacific Theatre
Battle of Okinawa
1948 - 1949 AD
This newly formed state repels the invasion of a coalition of Arab states, leading to its survival into the present-day
Israel's War of Independence
1948 - 1949 AD
Communist forces launch this devastating campaign against the Nationalists, ending Nationalist dominance in Northern China
Huaihai Campaign
1950 AD
United Nations forces successfully land and capture this coastal South Korean city, leading to the capture of Seoul
Battle of Inchon
1953 - 1954 AD
Vietnamese Communist Revolutionaries decisively defeat French colonial forces, bringing French colonial rule in Vietnam to an end
Battle of Dien Bien Phu
1968 AD
North Vietnamese forces launch a campaign of surprise attacks on South Vietnamese and United States military and civilian centers; named after the Vietnamese Lunar New Year during which the attacks occurred
Tet Offensive
1991 AD
A United States led coalition of thirty-five countries launch this operation in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
Operation Desert Storm
The last King of France was Charles X, and he was overthrown in the July Revolution. The last (and only) King of the French was Louis-Philippe, and he was overthrown in the February Revolution of 1848. The last Emperor of the French was Louis-Napoleon, who indeed lost his throne in the aftermath to the Battle of Sedan.