Question | Answer | % Correct |
Who invented the light bulb in 1883? | Thomas Edison | 98%
Which physician-scientist was recognized for discovering penicillin in 1928? | Alexander Fleming | 91%
Which physicist brought the theories of gravity and the basic laws of motion? | Isaac Newton | 91%
Who is the first female Nobel Prize winner? | Marie Curie | 91%
Albert Einstein is most famous for which of the following theories? | Theory of relativity | 91%
Which inventor, scientist, and engineer is credited with inventing and patenting the first practical telephone? | Alexander Graham Bell | 88%
What did the founder of the Nobel Prize invent? | Dynamite | 88%
Who discovered the periodic table? | Dmitri Mendeleev | 86%
What invention is most associated with Johannes Gutenberg? | Printing press | 86%
Who invented the railway locomotive in 1814? | George Stephenson | 84%
Niels Bohr is most famous for which of the following theories? | Theory of atomic structure | 84%
Which scientist first said that the Sun was the center of the universe and that the Earth and the planets orbited the Sun? | Nicolaus Copernicus | 81%
Who invented the dots and dashes code for sending messages? | Samuel Morse | 81%
Who invented the first battery? | Alessandro Volta | 79%
Who first stated that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction? | Isaac Newton | 72%
Edmund Jenner is responsible for saving countless lives thanks to his invention. What was it? | Vaccine | 67%
Who did the Catholic Church sentence to prison because he said that Earth orbited the Sun? | Galileo Galilei | 63%
What was the name of the famous scientist Röntgen who invented X-rays? | Wilhelm | 60%
Which scientist improved the telescope and constructed the first one that could be used to observe the planets? | Galileo Galilei | 56%
Which scientist is the founder of the quantum theory? | Max Planck | 53%
Who developed the earliest effective vaccine against rabies? | Louis Pasteur | 42%
Who was Serbian scientist Mileva Maric married to? | Albert Einstein | 28%
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