Question | Answer | % Correct |
What was it that Queen Elizabeth I said she was married to? | Her country | 97%
Who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling? | Michelangelo | 97%
What was Martin Luther famous for? | Reformation | 97%
Under which Ottoman ruler did the Empire reached its peak? | Suleiman I the Magnificent | 97%
Williams Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" was published in 1597. How that tragedy ends? | They both die | 94%
Capital of which empire was Tenochtitlan before was conquered by Spain? | Aztec | 91%
Which explorer is known for defeating the Aztec Empire and taking Mexico in the name of Spain in 1521? | Hernan Cortes | 89%
Where was Ferdinand Magellan killed in a battle in 1521? | Philippines | 89%
Which pope introduced his calendar in 1582 that is being used to present day? | Gregory XIII | 83%
Who proclaimed the Sun the center of the Solar system in 1512? | Nicolaus Copernicus | 83%
Who was the first Queen of England to be executed in 1536? | Anne Boleyn | 80%
What was Gerardus Mercator famous for? | Carthography | 80%
Who conquered the Inca Empire in 1532? | Francisco Pizarro | 80%
Astrologer, physician and reputed seer Nostradamus was born in 1503. Where was he from? | France | 69%
Who wrote "Utopia" and published it in 1516? | Thomas More | 66%
What was the capital of Inca Empire? | Cusco | 63%
Who was the first Tsar of Russia? | Ivan the Terrible | 63%
How long Queen Elizabeth I held the English throne? | 44 years | 60%
Who was burned at the stake for heresy in Rome for believing that the universe is infinite and that other solar systems exist? | Giordano Bruno | 57%
Who painted "La Gioconda?" | Leonardo da Vinci | 57%
Which French explorer claimed Canada for France in 1536? | Jacques Cartier | 51%
What form of fine art is the Elizabethan Era most famous for? | Theatre | 51%
Who won the Battle of Mohács in 1526? | Ottoman Empire | 49%
What colony was the first attempt by the English to establish a colony in the Americas in 1585? | Roanoke | 49%
Which Portuguese navigator claimed Brazil for Portugal? | Pedro Álvares Cabral | 43%
Who completed the first circumnavigation of the globe in a single expedition after its captain, Ferdinand Magellan, was killed? | Juan Sebastián Elcano | 31%