Question | No. | Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Normal | 51 | Can learn Hyper Beam by level up/TM | ✓ | 87%
Flying | 77 | Not part Normal type | ✓ | 85%
Water | 94 | Can learn both Surf and Waterfall HMs | ✓ | 80%
Water | 81 | Can also learn the HMs Dive and Whirlpool | ✓ | 80%
Normal | 34 | Can learn Thunderbolt by level up/TM/TR | ✓ | 79%
Flying | 55 | Not used in an elite four team | ✓ | 78%
Psychic | 62 | Cannot evolve further | ✓ | 78%
Fighting | 60 | Can learn a Special Fighting move by level up/breeding/TMs/TRs | ✓ | 77%
Ghost | 21 | Can still evolve further | ✓ | 76%
Dragon | 45 | Not a legendary/mythical Pokemon | ✓ | 76%
Ground | 22 | Evolves at level 40 or lower | ✓ | 75%
Water | 22 | Has been used by a water type gym leader or trial captain | ✓ | 75%
Grass | 79 | Can learn Absorb or Razor leaf by level up/breeding | ✓ | 75%
Ice | 33 | Dual typed | ✓ | 75%
Psychic | 41 | Non legendary/mythical | ✓ | 74%
Ice | 18 | Does not begin with A or S | ✓ | 74%
Ice | 11 | Introduced before gen 5 | ✓ | 74%
Normal | 12 | Can learn Fire Blast by level up/TM/TR | ✓ | 73%
Fighting | 18 | Base Speed ≥ 85 | ✓ | 73%
Ghost | 13 | Evolves via level up | ✓ | 73%
Electric | 40 | Not used by an Electric type gym leader or trial captain | ✓ | 73%
Poison | 46 | Cannot learn Poison Sting by level up | ✓ | 72%
Fire | 46 | Can learn Flare Blitz by level up/breeding/TR | ✓ | 72%
Water | 13 | Dual typed | ✓ | 71%
Grass | 20 | Not weak to Poison type moves | ✓ | 71%
Dragon | 26 | Does not begin with D or G | ✓ | 70%
Ground | 16 | Is not also Rock or Water type | ✓ | 69%
Psychic | 12 | Can learn Psycho Cut by level up/breeding/TM | ✓ | 69%
Bug | 24 | Can learn Silver Wind by level up/breeding/TM/TR | ✓ | 67%
Electric | 19 | Not dual typed | ✓ | 67%
Fairy | 44 | Weak to both Poison and Steel type moves | ✓ | 67%
Bug | 13 | Name does not end in a vowel | ✓ | 65%
Fire | 34 | Not used by an elite four member or gym leader that use Fire types | ✓ | 65%
Dark | 43 | Not used in an elite four team | ✓ | 64%
Rock | 24 | Not weak to Grass type moves | ✓ | 63%
Fairy | 25 | Part of the Fairy egg group | ✓ | 63%
Steel | 37 | Not part of the Mineral or Monster egg group | ✓ | 62%
Fire | 17 | Can still evolve further | ✓ | 61%
Flying | 23 | Base Speed ≤ 75 | ✓ | 60%
Dark | 26 | Part of the Field or Human-Like egg groups | ✓ | 59%
Fighting | 11 | The only Pokemon in its evolution line | ✓ | 57%
Rock | 13 | Not a fossil Pokemon | ✓ | 56%
Ghost | 4 | Can be caught holding a Spell Tag | ✓ | 55%
Ice | 4 | Can learn Ice Fang by level up/breeding/TM | ✓ | 55%
Dragon | 11 | Not part of a three stage evolutionary line | ✓ | 55%
Normal | 6 | Not introduced in gen 1 | ✓ | 54%
Steel | 25 | Pokedex # > 400 | ✓ | 54%
Water | 5 | Not weak to Electric type moves | ✓ | 53%
Poison | 16 | Cannot learn Toxic by level up | ✓ | 50%
Fairy | 12 | Has only two stages in its evolution line | ✓ | 49%
Grass | 9 | Not introduced in gen 1 or gen 5 | ✓ | 47%
Rock | 6 | Cannot have Sturdy as an ability | ✓ | 46%
Ice | 1 | Can only be one gender | Froslass | 46%
Steel | 11 | Neither legendary/mythical nor an ultra beast | ✓ | 44%
Dragon | 1 | Has a mega evolution | Altaria | 43%
Dark | 4 | Not weak to Fairy type moves | ✓ | 41%
Ground | 5 | Not in the Field egg group | ✓ | 40%
Bug | 6 | Catch rate ≥ 50 | ✓ | 40%
Fighting | 1 | Begins with S | Sawk | 39%
Normal | 1 | Can have the ability Natural Cure | Blissey | 37%
Flying | 4 | Not weak to Fire or Ice | ✓ | 36%
Electric | 3 | Base speed ≥ 100 | ✓ | 35%
Fairy | 1 | Begins with R | Ribombee | 33%
Fire | 5 | Not been used by a rival | ✓ | 32%
Grass | 1 | Evolves using an evolution stone | Roselia | 32%
Poison | 5 | Not weak to Flying type | ✓ | 30%
Rock | 1 | Part of the Amorphous egg group | Magcargo | 28%
Psychic | 5 | Has no mega evolution, no regional forms and has no gigantamax form | ✓ | 25%
Fire | 1 | Has a regional form | Darumaka | 25%
Dark | 1 | Can have the ability Blaze | Incineroar | 25%
Psychic | 1 | Evolves from a baby Pokemon | Jynx | 22%
Water | 1 | Can still evolve further | Chinchou | 21%
Poison | 1 | Can still evolve | Toxel | 20%
Bug | 1 | Used in an elite four team | Venomoth | 20%
Ground | 1 | Weak to Fire type moves | Nincada | 19%
Electric | 1 | Does not begin with R | Zeraora | 18%
Flying | 1 | Cannot be found whilst surfing | Ducklett | 15%
Ghost | 1 | More than two weaknesses | Sandygast | 14%
Steel | 1 | Can have the ability Pressure | Corviknight | 13%
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