Années | Films / Séries | % Correct |
2016 | Doctor Strange | 91%
2010-2017 | Sherlock | 86%
2014 | Imitation Game | 68%
2018 | Avengers : Infinity War | 64%
2019 | Avengers : Endgame | 61%
2022 | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of madness | 41%
2021 | Spider-man : No Way Home | 41%
2012-2014 | Le Hobbit | 34%
2019 | 1917 | 30%
2021 | The power of the dog | 30%
2013 | Star Trek Into Darkness | 25%
2017 | Thor : Ragnarok | 25%
2020 | Un espion ordinaire | 25%
2018 | Patrick Melrose | 20%
2013 | Twelve years | 18%
2011 | La taupe | 16%
2011 | Cheval de guerre | 14%
2013 | Le cinquième pouvoir | 14%
2012 | Parade's end | 14%
2007 | Reviens-moi | 11%
2017 | The child in time | 11%
2019 | Brexit : The uncivil war | 9%
2021 | Désigné coupable | 9%
2019 | Good Omens | 9%
2021 | La vie extraordinaire de Louis Wain | 9%
2018 | Le Grinch | 9%
2018 | Mowgli | 9%
2017 | The current war | 9%
2008 | The other boleyn girl | 9%
2013 | Un été à Osage County | 9%
2021 | What if...? | 9%
2016 | Zoolander 2 | 9%
2002 | Affaires non classées | 7%
2006 | Amazing Grace | 7%
2005 | Broken News | 7%
2009 | Burlesque Fairytales | 7%
2003 | Cambridge Spies | 7%
2009 | Création | 7%
2004 | Dunkirk | 7%
2019 | Entre deux fougères | 7%
2002 | Fields of gold | 7%
2003 | Fortysomething | 7%
2004 | Hawking | 7%
1998/2000/2004 | Heartbeat | 7%
2007 | Inseparable | 7%
2022 | La Bulle | 7%
2014 | Les pingouins de Madagascar | 7%
2013 | Les Simpson | 7%
2021 | Les Simpson | 7%
2013 | Little favour | 7%
2009 | Miss Marple | 7%
2005 | Nathan Barley | 7%
2010 | Seule contre tous | 7%
2009 | Small island | 7%
2006 | Starter for 10 | 7%
2015 | Strictly criminal | 7%
2007 | Stuart : Une vie à l'envers | 7%
2016 | The hollow crown | 7%
2008 | The last enemy | 7%
2019 | The tiger who came to tea | 7%
2002 | Tipping the velvet | 7%
2005 | To the ends of the earth | 7%
2010 | Troisième étoile à droite | 7%
2010 | Van Gogh : Painted with words | 7%
2010 | We are four lions | 7%
2011 | Wreckers | 7%
2012 | Electric cinema : How to behave | 5%
2002 | Hills like white elephants | 5%
2003 | La mort d'un roi | 5%
? | Morning | 2%
2003 | MI-3 | 0%
? | The wonderful story of Henry Sugar | 0%
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