Letter | Question | Answer | % Correct |
E | Planet We Live On | Earth | 96%
P | Dwarf Planet That Used To Be Actual Planet | Pluto | 96%
J | Largest Planet In Solar System | Jupiter | 94%
N | Acronym for American Space Agency | NASA | 93%
S | Hot, Humongous Star All Planets Orbit | Sun | 90%
H | Elements That Make Up Outer Space (Name Either One) | Hydrogen | Helium | 87%
M | Planet Closest To Star Planets Orbit | Mercury | 80%
C | Dwarf Planet | Ceres | 79%
G | Name of Jupiter's Largest Moon | Ganymede | 75%
K | Unit of Temperature | Kelvin | 75%
Y | Period of Earth's Orbit around the Sun or the Sun around the Sky | Year | 70%
Z | Point Of Sky When Directly Overhead (Opposite of Nadir) | Zenith | 56%
X | Electromagnetic Radiation With a Wavelength Between About 0.0lnm To 10nm | X-Ray | 54%
Q | Energy Source | Quasar | QSO | Quasi Stellar Object | 46%
U | Central And Darkest Part Of Shadows | Umbra | 45%
I | A Galaxy Called (Answer) Because Of No Obvious Structure or Shape | Irregular | 32%
B | Famous Constellation | Big Dipper | 30%
A | Another Name For The Reflectivity Of A Planet | Albedo | 20%
L | Family of sub-atomic particles including electrons, neutrons, muons | Lepton | 17%
F | Famous Launch Vehicle Manufactured By SpaceX | Falcon 9 | 14%
D | A Design Of A Telescope Developed By American Astronomer John Dosbon | Dobsonian | 11%
W | A Parameter Used to Estimate Strength Of Sunspot Activity | Wolf Number | 3%
O | A Double Star In Which There Is No Physical Connection Between The Stars | Optical Pair | 1%
R | The Ability Of Instruments To Separate Two Close Features | Resoluton | 1%
T | A Glassy Pebble Showing Signs Of Atmospheric Ablation | Tektlte | 1%
V | Two Regions Within The Earth's Magnetosphere Where Energetic Charged Particles Are Trapped | Van Alien Belts | 1%
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