
Actors / Actresses by their Characters #10

Guess the actor/actress by the characters they have played that are listed
Also try other quizzes in the series: Actors / Actresses by their Characters
Quiz by Adam25
Last updated: February 7, 2023
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First submittedFebruary 7, 2023
Times taken61
Average score50.0%
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The Girl, Sugar Cane Kowalczyk, Lorelei Lee, Pola Debevoise
Marilyn Monroe
William Wallace, Martin Riggs, Max Rockatansky, Prince Hamlet
Mel Gibson
Abraham Lincoln, Bill "the Butcher" Cutting, Nathaniel "Hawkeye" Poe, Cecil Vyse
Daniel Day-Lewis
Kylo Ren, Det. Philip "Flip" Zimmerman, Clyde Logan, Phillip Altman
Adam Driver
Miranda Priestly, Margaret Thatcher, Donna Sheridan, Joanna Kramer
Meryl Streep
John McClane, Mr. Church, Frank Moses, Paul Stevens
Bruce Willis
Norma Rae Webster, Edna Spalding, Nora Walker, Miranda Hillard
Sally Field
Lucy Whitmore, Casey Becker, Sugar, Gertie Taylor
Drew Barrymore
Kelly Bundy, Veronica Corningstone, Jesse Warner, Amy Green
Christina Applegate
Yashvardhan "Yash" Raichand, Vijay / Don, Anthony Gonsalves, Narayan Shankar
Amitabh Bachchan
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