
Actors / Actresses by their Characters #25

Guess the actor/actress by the characters they have played that are listed
Also try other quizzes in the series: Actors / Actresses by their Characters
Quiz by Adam25
Last updated: March 6, 2023
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First submittedMarch 6, 2023
Times taken46
Average score40.0%
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Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman, August Walker, Geralt of Rivia, Sherlock Holmes
Henry Cavill
Vicki Vale, Lynn Bracken, Stephanie Smith, Honey Hornée
Kim Basinger
Victoria Forester, The Baroness, Taya Renae Kyle, Detective Frankie Burns
Sienna Miller
Aragorn/Elessar, Sigmund Freud, Tony Lip, Frank Hopkins
Viggo Mortensen
Smurfette, Honey, Rikki Hargrove, Guest Judge
Katy Perry
Elinor Dashwood, Miss Sarah "Sally" Kenton, Nanny McPhee, Professor Sybill Trelawney
Emma Thompson
Captain Hector Barbossa, Sir Francis Walsingham, Lionel Logue, Inspector Javert
Geoffrey Rush
Sebastian Wilder, Officer K, Jacob Palmer, Noah Calhoun
Ryan Gosling
Tess Coleman / Anna Coleman, Laurie Strode, Hannah Miller, Shelly DeVoto
Jamie Lee Curtis
Sergeant First Class William James, William Brandt, Clint Barton / Hawkeye, James "Jem" Coughlin
Jeremy Renner
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