
Actors / Actresses by their Characters #4

Guess the actor/actress by the characters they have played that are listed
Also try other quizzes in the series: Actors / Actresses by their Characters
Quiz by Adam25
Last updated: February 1, 2023
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First submittedFebruary 1, 2023
Times taken91
Average score60.0%
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Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow, Lucy Miller, Olivia Wenscombe, Annie Braddock
Scarlett Johansson
John Wick, Ted 'Theodore' Logan, Neo, Kai
Keanu Reeves
Gracie Hart, Annie Porter, Dr. Ryan Stone, Loretta Sage,
Sandra Bullock
Ororo Munroe / Storm, Patience Phillips / Catwoman, Sharon Stone, Ginger Ale
Halle Berry
Mr. Lee, Chen Zhen, Billy Lo, Cheng Chao-an
Bruce Lee
Dominic Toretto, Xander Cage, Groot, Lieutenant Shane Wolfe
Vin Diesel
Irene Adler, Christine Palmer, Annie Davis, Allison "Allie" Hamilton
Rachel McAdams
Satine, Marisa Coulter, Sue Brierley, Virginia Woolf
Nicole Kidman
Max Rockatansky, Bane, Eddie Brock & Venom, Alfie Solomons
Tom Hardy
Bryan Mills, Aslan, John "Hannibal" Smith, Henri Ducard / Ra's al Ghul
Liam Neeson
Level 26
Apr 12, 2024
you should a done Regina George for one of them