Book | Author | % Correct |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen | 97%
Emma | Jane Austen | 97%
The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald | 96%
Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bronte | 95%
1984 | George Orwell | 94%
The Picture of Dorian Grey | Oscar Wilde | 92%
Les Miserebles | Victor Hugo | 86%
Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck | 82%
Moby Dick | Herman Melville | 79%
the house of the seven gables | Nathaniel Hawthorne | 72%
The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne | 72%
one hundred years of solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez | 71%
To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf | 70%
Lord of the Flies | William Golding | 69%
the heart of darkness | Joseph Conrad | 65%
Paradice Lost | John Milton | 63%
the tell-tale heart | Edgar Allen Poe | 60%
Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury | 56%
In Cold Blood | Truman Capote | 52%
The Last of the Mohicans | James Fenimore Cooper | 37%
Don Juan | Lord Byron | 29%
The Chrysalids | John Wyndham | 17%
The Neckalce | Guy de Maupassant | 14%
A Good Man is Hard to Fine | Flannery O'Connor | 11%
The Lady, or the Tiger? | Frank R. Stockton | 4%
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