Psychology GCSE Unit 2: Sex and gender

A quiz to help you revise the topic of sex and gender.
Quiz by Merowmreowreow
Last updated: March 23, 2016
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First submittedMarch 23, 2016
Times taken156
Average score21.4%
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A biological term. Can be determined by a person's hormones and chromosomes.
A psychological term. Can be determined by a person's attitudes and behaviour.
Freud's third stage of psychosexual development, in which gender development takes place.
Phallic stage
To adopt the attitudes and behaviour of the same-sex parent.
The conflict experienced by a boy in the phallic stage because he unconsciously desires his mother and is afraid of his father.
Oedipus complex
The conflict experienced by a girl because she unconsciously desires her father and is afraid of losing her mother's love.
Electra complex
Not developing the gender identity usually associated with one's sex.
Gender disturbance
A role model provides and example for the child.
Copying the behaviour of a model.
Learning from the model's being either rewarded or punished.
Vicarious reinforcement
Believing that all males and all females are similar.
Gender stereotypes
A mental building block of knowledge that contains information about each gender.
Gender schema
Behaviour seen as masculine or feminine by a particular culture.
Gender role
Where gender is an important way of thinking about the world so information is organised according to what is gender appropriate and what is gender inappropriate.
Highly gender schematised
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