Suggested Quizzes

U.S. Presidents Quiz0-5.003,035,850
Planets of the Solar System Quiz0-4.88985,062
Simpsons Characters Quiz0-4.43147,174
Shakespeare's Plays Quiz0-4.37337,804
7 Deadly Sins Quiz0-4.83339,328
Name the Harry Potter Books0-4.28263,628
World Currency Quiz0-4.92239,170
Charles Dickens Novels Quiz0-4.3340,955
Who Wrote That Book #10-4.3683,435
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Lyrics0-4.83571,993
NATO Military Alphabet0-4.98474,104
Who Wrote That Book #20-4.4142,711
English Monarchs Quiz0-4.85431,930
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #20-3.8242,369
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #30-3.7435,503
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #40-4.1333,375
Unpossible Simpsons Trivia Quiz0-3.8122,640
Majority Muslim Countries0-4.97306,708
Famous Lines of Poetry #10-4.4631,949
Star Trek Quotes Quiz0-4.0929,018
SNL Recurring Characters Quiz0-3.9613,521
Family Guy Trivia #10-4.41123,418
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.94273,584
Arrested Development Trivia Quiz0-4.0711,116
100 Most Common English Words0-4.861,113,965
Authors with Books Turned into Movies0-4.4657,374
100 Books You Can't Do Without0-4.4350,572
Characters from Books #10-4.2269,887
Characters from Books #20-4.3473,887
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.89387,440
Authors of Children's Books0-4.2119,245
Harry Potter Last Names0-4.61870,193
The Simpsons - Quote to Character0-3.7435,973
Lost Character Names Quiz0-3.8814,973
Authors by Country Quiz0-4.3530,662
Prime Ministers of the UK0-4.94367,977
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Authors0-4.2413,432
Books with Animals in the Title #10-4.4163,573
Books with Names in the Title Quiz #10-4.3066,135
Books with Names in the Title Quiz #20-4.4250,331
Nursery Rhymes Quiz0-4.2439,239
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.98217,930
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99221,432
First Names of Authors #10-4.2055,998
First Names of Authors #20-4.1634,298
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,871,722
Countries that Start with B0-4.932,011,080
Countries that Start with C0-4.931,588,240
Countries that Start with D0-4.95561,015
Countries that Start with E0-4.931,185,344
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,302,591
Countries that Start with H0-4.91478,336
Countries that Start with I0-4.911,119,881
Countries that Start with J0-4.97482,324
Countries that Start with K0-4.94679,761
Countries that Start with L0-4.97934,680
Countries that Start with N0-4.89960,524
Countries that Start with P0-4.891,061,604
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,551,308
Countries that Start with T0-4.83877,029
Countries that Start with U0-4.97791,386
Countries that Start with V0-4.97514,086
Countries that Start with M0-4.941,211,077
Formula One World Champions0-4.97276,269
Stephen King Stories0-4.5927,509
Star Trek Characters and Actors0-4.1910,500
Roald Dahl Books0-4.4332,054
Gilligan's Island Castaways0-4.115,474
Big Bang Theory Trivia0-3.7854,652
Hunger Games Trivia0-4.3147,742
The Hunger Games Districts Quiz0-4.0429,249
Glee Characters0-3.1423,812
Disney Channel TV Shows0-3.3690,738
Locations on The Simpsons0-4.2813,322
Disney Animated Characters0-4.86566,544
Game of Thrones Houses Quiz0-4.5673,266
Game of Thrones - The Book0-4.2683,905
Harry Potter: Voldemort's Horcruxes0-4.37103,537
Harry Potter Spells0-4.19128,073
Harry Potter Characters by Death0-3.92121,361
Famous Literary Characters0-4.3732,791
Futurama Characters Quiz0-4.4216,751
Family Guy Characters0-4.2956,779
Phineas and Ferb Theme Song Lyrics0-4.3183,797
Countries with the Most Military Troops0-4.93219,658
Countries with Nuclear Weapons0-4.89212,884
Jane Austen Novels0-4.4026,005
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98282,643
Doctor Who Actors0-4.5316,519
Ultimate Harry Potter Name Game0-4.95456,038
Ultimate Hunger Games Characters Quiz0-4.3220,947
Basic Harry Potter Quiz0-4.47355,975
Harry Potter Patronus Charms0-4.2128,876
Friends Episodes0-3.9838,379
Breaking Bad Trivia0-4.2647,235
House M.D. Trivia0-4.168,763
Nursery Rhymes #20-4.2614,842
Simpsons Quotes Quiz0-4.3639,006
Shakespeare Quotes Quiz0-4.4061,303
Groups of Things - Harry Potter0-4.80254,305
Simpsons Trivia Quiz #10-3.7533,840
SNL Cast Members0-4.1018,861
Dexter Trivia0-3.9214,333
Classic Novels by Plot #10-4.3366,780
Books by Country Quiz0-4.2830,967
Books by U.S. State0-4.2113,239
Nonfiction Books Quiz0-4.5020,715
Countries by Number of Books Published0-4.9661,443
The Office Trivia #10-4.3576,819
All Disney Animated Movies0-4.82372,480
Characters from The Office0-4.3940,401
Last Names from The Office (U.S.)0-4.2921,868
Who Did that Glee Song0-3.928,802
Friends Trivia0-4.12145,772
How I Met Your Mother Quiz0-4.0644,845
Futurama Trivia0-3.979,798
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Quiz0-4.3714,241
Seinfeld Trivia #10-4.5529,971
Seinfeld Trivia #20-4.2415,623
The Thirteen Dwarves in the Hobbit0-4.8925,806
Seinfeld Quotes0-4.1825,443
Simpsons Last Names Quiz0-4.1440,971
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.96233,104
Ultimate Percy Jackson Characters Quiz0-4.4840,873
Lord of the Rings Characters0-4.52103,223
Lord of the Rings Trivia0-4.4873,468
Family Guy Theme Song Lyrics0-4.3575,351
Family Guy Trivia #20-3.6530,929
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.84331,687
G1 The Transformers Quiz0-4.5019,923
Book Titles by Synonyms #10-4.6469,686
Literary Quotes #10-4.4424,405
Literary Quotes #20-4.0721,463
Middle Earth Geography0-4.5236,600
Friends Theme Song Lyrics0-4.30125,961
Famous Lines of Poetry #20-4.5617,151
Literary Characters by Last Name0-4.3524,505
Harry Potter Places0-4.2395,767
Books by Clue #10-4.4024,194
Books by Clue #20-4.3924,889
"Of Something" Book Titles0-4.3544,796
Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix Members0-3.9439,483
SpongeBob SquarePants Trivia0-4.1151,494
SpongeBob Characters0-4.1261,876
South Park Characters0-4.1135,017
South Park Trivia0-4.0317,375
Character to Author #10-4.4739,915
Character to Author #20-4.4928,318
Harry Potter A-Z0-4.38195,897
Hunger Games Trilogy - Part One0-4.2412,929
Books of "A Song of Ice and Fire"0-4.3912,326
Game of Thrones Last Names0-4.4190,181
Books with Animals in the Title #20-4.2015,742
Harry Potter - Name The Hogwarts Classes0-4.1524,162
Fresh Prince of Bel Air Characters0-3.756,898
Lord of the Rings - Races0-4.1553,957
Arthurian Legend0-4.3424,068
Winnie-the-Pooh Characters0-4.4127,483
Word Puzzles - TV Titles #10-4.5429,949
Word Puzzles - Book Titles #10-4.3425,856
Word Puzzles - Book Titles #20-4.2920,651
Literary Groups of Things0-4.2228,809
Simpsons Parodies0-3.9310,699
Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention0-4.95337,415
Shakespearean Characters0-4.3535,302
Kardashian Family Members by Picture0-2.1533,073
Game of Thrones Characters by Death0-4.2748,096
Star Trek Trivia0-4.0510,670
Parks and Recreation Trivia0-4.5318,258
The Ultimate LOTR Character Quiz - The Books0-4.7517,085
Friends A-Z0-4.1935,137
Simpsons Decoder0-4.3929,552
4-Letter Literature Chain0-4.4239,054
5-Letter Literature Chain0-4.2350,905
Lord of the Rings Decoder0-4.6038,132
Harry Potter Creatures0-4.2755,452
Main Friends Characters and Actors0-4.3846,628
Marvel Cinematic Universe - All Movies0-4.85267,429
Members of the Fellowship of the Ring0-4.8242,306
Word Scramble - Harry Potter Characters0-4.2054,744
Dewey Decimal System0-4.2413,044
Literature by Letter - A0-4.2728,605
Literature by Letter - B0-4.0217,021
Literature by Letter - C0-4.3223,829
Literature by Letter - D0-4.2418,209
Literature by Letter - E0-4.0213,123
Literature by Letter - F0-4.2615,160
Literature by Letter - H0-4.2216,221
Literature by Letter - I0-4.2513,536
Literature by Letter - J0-4.2013,224
Literature by Letter - K0-4.1210,833
Literature by Letter - L0-4.3121,196
Literature by Letter - M0-4.2116,883
Friends - Finish the Quote0-4.4431,351
Literature by Letter - N0-4.2012,775
Literature by Letter - O0-4.2712,062
Literature by Letter - P0-4.1715,155
Literature by Letter - Q, X, Y, and Z0-4.3513,641
Literature by Letter - R0-4.0210,584
Literature by Letter - T0-4.3416,847