Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Who escapes with Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish to head to The Vale in disguise? | Sansa Stark | 100%
Who is poisoned at their wedding feast? | King Joffrey Baratheon | 98%
What is the name of the prostitute that betrays Tyrion by lying at his trial? | Shae | 93%
Who gets into a tragic fight with Brienne of Tarth to determine who will watch over Arya Stark? | Sandor Clegane | 92%
Who fights for Cersie/ The Realm in the same trial by combat? ^^^ | Ser Gregor Clegane | 92%
Who does Tyrion Lannister kill with a crossbow? | Tywin Lannister | 92%
What is the name of Jon Snow's "Wildling" lover who is shot with an arrow when they attack Castle Black? | Ygritte | 90%
What is the name of the new king? | Tommen Baratheon | 89%
Who helps Tyrion Lannister escape his prison cell and ultimitly escape to Braavos? | Varys | 89%
Who is the "King Beyond the Wall"? | Mance Rayder | 86%
Who does Bran Stark "Warg" into to to save himself from Locke at the attack on Crasters Keep? | Hodor | 85%
What does Brienne name her Valyrian Steel sword that Jaime Lannister gives to her? | Oathkeeper | 85%
Who fights for Tyrion Lannister in his trial by combat? | Prince Oberyn Martell | 85%
What finally lifts the gate and attempts to attack Castle Black from the tunnel, only to be killed by waiting Nights Watch members? | A Giant | 82%
Who does Bran Stark finally meet north of The Wall? | The Three Eyed Raven | 82%
Who is falsley accused of Regicide? | Tyrion Lannister | 82%
Who gets sent to Moles Town for their protection, only to be there when the Wildlings attack? | Gilly and baby Sam | 72%
Who is killed by Wights just outside the cave where they meet ^^^? | Jojen Reed | 69%
What city does Danaerys Targaryen conquor and make her home base for now? | Mereen | 68%
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