Definition/description | Answer | % Correct |
Provides a graphical representation of a working model; result of cladistic analysis | Cladogram | 55%
Structures that a common origin but not are not necessarily a common function are... | Homologous | 55%
Group composed of an ancestor and all its descendants; none of its descendants are excluded; AKA clade | Monophyletic | 55%
Groups that consist of a common ancestor but not all descendants of that ancestor | Paraphyletic | 55%
Diagram that depicts the genealogic relationships between taxa as hypothesized by a particular investigator or group of investigators | Phylogenetic tree | 45%
Group with two or more ancestors, but not including the true common ancestor of its members | Polyphyletic | 45%
Widely used method of classifying organisms | Cladistics | 36%
Other structures which have a similar superficial appearance and function are... | Analogous | 27%
Comparable selective forces, acting on organisms in similar habitats but different parts of the world | Convergent Evolution | 27%
Taxon that's closest related to but not a member of the study group under investigation | Outgroup | 27%
Principle that states a cladogram should be constructed in the simples, most efficient, and least complicated way. Principle of ______ | Parsimony | 27%
Character states that arose in the common ancestor of the group and are present in all its members | Synapomorphies | 0%
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