Statistics for Phylogeny Terms

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  • This quiz has been taken 13 times
  • The average score is 5 of 12

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Definition/descriptionAnswer% Correct
Provides a graphical representation of a working model; result of cladistic analysisCladogram
Structures that a common origin but not are not necessarily a common function are...Homologous
Group composed of an ancestor and all its descendants; none of its descendants are excluded; AKA cladeMonophyletic
Groups that consist of a common ancestor but not all descendants of that ancestorParaphyletic
Diagram that depicts the genealogic relationships between taxa as hypothesized by a particular investigator or group of investigatorsPhylogenetic tree
Group with two or more ancestors, but not including the true common ancestor of its membersPolyphyletic
Widely used method of classifying organismsCladistics
Other structures which have a similar superficial appearance and function are...Analogous
Comparable selective forces, acting on organisms in similar habitats but different parts of the worldConvergent Evolution
Taxon that's closest related to but not a member of the study group under investigationOutgroup
Principle that states a cladogram should be constructed in the simples, most efficient, and least complicated way. Principle of ______Parsimony
Character states that arose in the common ancestor of the group and are present in all its membersSynapomorphies

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