Yet another reason the whole stupid thing should be done away with. Let's go on Daylight Saving, make that the new standard, and never come off. Extending daylight saving in the US ranks among Bush's very top achievements as president.
There are still lots of people living there. Even though kal is partly joking, I'd be inclined to believe that Mao wanted every Chinese citizen to be on the same time as his capital, which is on the latitude where most of the other +8 timezones are.
I used to live in Sichuan. The officials there would use the 'local' time and the official time according to whichever was most convenient for them. Supposed to work from 8 to 5? Well then, just start working when it would be 8 o'clock by the sun, then stop working when it was officially 5.
Nobody in New Zealand thinks of Cook Islands and Niue to be a territory of New Zealand. They are nations that are a part of the "realm" of NZ, but when New Zealanders talk about New Zealand they mean the North and South Islands (in one time zone) and Chatham Islands (in a 2nd time zone), and that's it. Go to any travel agent and the Cooks and Niue are in the foreign destinations list, and when you travel there, you have to clear customs, and you fly there from the international terminal. The one genuine territory of NZ is Tokelau, but again, NZers don't include that very remote clutch of atolls in their thinking.
yes, and the Cook Islands and Niue have their own international treaties with other countries, so they're pretty close to the definition of countries in their own right
i also think that officially these two have the same status with NZ fsmicronesia and marshall islands have with the us, but those are counted as countries
*Generic comment about China that mentions that I didn't guess China because I KNEW they had only one time zone so even though it isn't part of the quiz you all know how smart I am.*
Also worth considering Norfolk, Lord Howe, Christmas, and Cocos Islands all also have different timezones (I assume the other 'territories' do as well but they don't really count for anything if we're honest). Also making NSW the only State LEGALLY with multiple timezones. Daylight Saving Time is a mess here though, it works, but it's a mess.
And that's not even including the often left out Eucla time which is WST + 45 minutes. It makes sense to split WA as it's massive but a 45 minute increment just hurts my head.
I didn't know that DST in English meant Summer Time.
You just got sent to Tibet and will never be heard from again
how tho
UTC−10:00 – Cook Islands
UTC+12:00 – Main territory of New Zealand
UTC+12:45 – Chatham Islands
UTC+13:00 – Tokelau
And this quiz says includes oversea territories
(I missed the source at the top because I expected it in the bullet list)