Actually, New Guinea Island (including its Indonesian part) is usually considered as part of Oceania, geographically. But, since Indonesia is an Asian country, its western side is considered Asian (politically). But yeah, it is more of a convention. There is no strict rule to it.
AnikaM: "Part" is the important word here. Seriously, why do you people have so much trouble accepting that countries can have territory on multiple continents, and still be counted for the continet where the capital and majority of their area (or population in case of Russia) is. Indonesia, Russia, Turkey, France... there is always someone in the comments complaining. Surprisingly, Egypt seems to be the only country that nobody is crazy enough to argue about being Asian because of Sinai. And maybe Colombia. Every other country seems to be fair game for you lot.
This quiz is way harder than i thought. Still got 100% but it cost me a while. I am sincerely surprised, entered it just for the fun. Thought they were all gonna be in Southeast Asia (Kinda is, but not exactly where you think in first place).
I have to say nobody expected Maldives first. they just think like indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore or Brunei but NOBODY evre expected Maldives first. Am i right or Not XD
border with Indonesia to the southeast of Tebedu, Sarawak
My apologies to the people of Maldives
It says "Based on their southernmost point" on the quiz