
Category Elimination - Five Countries by Continent

For each continent, name any country in that continent that applies to the given category. Another category will be shown - name any country that applies to both of those, and so on.
Left column is the number of possible answers
Quiz by Quizzer6794
Last updated: June 16, 2020
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First submittedDecember 2, 2019
Times taken11,045
Average score83.3%
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is not an island country
flag doesn't have a moon or star
contains the letter N
borders the DR Congo
has more than 50 million people
doesn't border the Mediterranean
has more than two borders
doesn't speak a Slavic language
name has seven or more letters
has land south of Milan, Italy
does not have any borders
has multiple official languages
flag does not contain Union Jack
gained independence from the UK
capital name includes a separator
is not a landlocked country
population is less than 80% Muslim
has two or more 1-million cities
in the second half of the alphabet
has a pair of double letters
North America
official language is not French
has less than three borders
contains only one word
doesn't border the Caribbean Sea
has a population below 1 million
South America
official language is Spanish
capital ends in a vowel
has Amazon Rainforest territory
with most land below equator
has less than 50% forestation
Level 76
Dec 4, 2019
FYI, the character in Nukuʻalofa is not an apostrophe (otherwise it would be spelt Nuku'alofa). In Tongan that character is called a fakauʻa, but by other names in other Pacific languages, such as Hawaiian (where it appears in the word Hawaiʻi).
Level 76
Dec 4, 2019
PS I nominated this quiz - it's a cool take on the 5-by-continent quizzes.
Level 66
Dec 4, 2019
Good catch, hopefully the clue is now semantically accurate :) And thanks for the nomination!
Level 55
Aug 5, 2023
Every one knows the percent sign (%), which means per hundred. But there are also signs for per thousand (‰) and per ten thousand (‱).
Level 43
Dec 14, 2019
Please make a second one!
Level 66
Dec 17, 2019
It may be in the works right now...
Level 61
Jan 20, 2020
Isn't Taiwan also correct for the Asia one? Is not landlocked, 80% isn't muslim, have 3 1m+ cities (taipei, taichung, Kaohsiung fyi), is in the second half of the alphabet, and isn't in Southeast Asia (it's in East Asia)
Level 66
Jan 20, 2020
You're right, we've changed the Asian answer.
Level 61
Jan 21, 2020
Thank you! Very nice quizzes btw, enjoy every time!
Level 66
Jan 21, 2020
Great to hear it!
Level 63
Jan 27, 2020
russia is not landlocked......
Level 66
Jan 27, 2020
...and Russia isn't shown under Europe on the CotW.
Level 62
May 22, 2022
I think you meant to say 'is' or 'Asia'.
Level 58
Mar 31, 2020
How come Mexico does not border the Caribbean Sea ?
Level 26
May 5, 2020
I always thought The Bahamas bordered the Caribbean Sea
Level 52
Mar 14, 2021
It's in the Carribbean
Level 64
Apr 14, 2021
can you elaborate?? I am very confused lol
Level 63
Oct 9, 2021
It doesn’t. The Caribbean Sea only starts *below* Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc. The Bahamas are *above all of those places, so are only in the Atlantic Ocean.
Level 70
Jun 16, 2020
you should acept Chile in the first answer of South America
Level 48
May 10, 2021
romania borders the mediterranian
Level 46
Apr 16, 2023
No it doesn't, Romania only borders the Black Sea
Level 51
Jun 7, 2021
Is Barbados not valid for North America?
Level 62
May 22, 2022
Yes, I believe it should be.


Official language - English

Borders - 0

Words - 1

Now the 4th question is the issue... some believe Barbados to be in the Caribbean, some believe it to be in the Atlantic, some believe it to be in both. I would change this to say 'not in the Lesser Antilles'.

(and obviously, it has less than 1 million people)

Level 43
Jun 16, 2021
Isn't the official name of Bahamas 'The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, or just The Bahamas?' Which is more than one word.
Level 62
Sep 17, 2021
If we always used official names we’d screw up a lot of quizzes. The official JetPunk name is ‘Bahamas’.
Level 60
Oct 9, 2021
For the Europe one, The Netherlands is valid for the first 4 categories, it borders Germany, Belgium and France in the Caribbean (St Maarten/St Martin). I know it's a bit pedantic, but it doesn't state the borders have to be in Europe. ;)
Level 66
Jan 28, 2022
Mexico definitely borders the Caribbean Sea at the Yucatan peninsula.
Level 66
Mar 2, 2022
Mexico borders 3 countries, not less than three countries. Not sure why that's accepted.
Level 62
May 22, 2022
Why is it Five Countries by Continent? Isn't it only one country per continent?
Level 75
Aug 25, 2022
I wasn't thinking and typed Mexico for North America "has less than three borders", but it was accepted. It shouldn't be accepted because it has exactly three borders: USA, Guatemala, and Belize.
Level 36
Sep 7, 2022
Hungary could also be an answer for Europe
Level 75
Mar 25, 2024
I also noticed the errors with Mexico in the North America one:

1. It has borders with Belize, Guatemala and the USA, so should be out with the "has less than three borders" category (unless you meant to write "has three or less borders")

2. The state of Quintana Roo (famous for Cancún) is on the Caribbean coast, so it should be out again with the "doesn't border the Caribbean Sea" category.

Enjoyed the quiz though, thanks!

Level 64
Aug 21, 2024
There seems to be an error with Africa. I was able to give Namibia as a country that has a flag with no moons or stars, despite the fact that it has a star on it.
Level 55
Nov 8, 2024
Why don't you accept "NZ" for New Zealand? Although nominated.