Thanks! We used the Distance Calculator on As for the version excluding neighbors, you can feel free to make it. We are already taking care of 100 and 500 kilometer versions.
You're a big help, thanks! Do you have an Excel table of all of the distances? You do have many proximity quizzes already so the idea isn't hard to put together if not!
Nope, I just used my head. Over and out from Country 11, and a nice evening at both a pop music festival on Danube Island and classical music at Musikverein - Mozart and Rainhard Fendrich, Austria's biggest stars of the 18th and 20th century, all in one evening!
I know this is posted already some time ago, but out of curiousity I made this R script which might help you with this. I don't know about the quality of the shapefile, but you can replace that if you'd like.
Be Interesting to see what peoples' approach to this was? I just thought of those countries with the most borders, and then those in pockets of lots of smaller countries
I just went for large countries surrounded by countries and then smaller countries among lots of smaller countries, still missed Saudi Arabia and Bulgaria.
7 countries touch Mali. Then you have Benin, Togo, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau and The Gambia which are nearby. The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau might be within 200km but I think the others are too far away.
Its 7 borders are actually the only ones! Benin, Togo, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, and the Gambia are all just barely too far away, some only 20 km from the cut.
France and spain are around 50st largest in size (48th and 51st) of all the countries, wouldnt call sweden and germany small either, ow and let's not forget russia. (And greenland, I will never take you for granted! But as usual you will be disregarded)
Runners up are, in order; finland, norway, poland, italy, uk, romania and greece. You could say they arent small either they are in the top 50%
I think that Romania should be here too, it borders, Moldova, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, and Bulgaria; and is also within 200km of Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovakia, Poland, and Turkey is 22m less than 200km away.
# Set this to what you like
km <- 100
countries <- st_as_sf(wrld_simpl)
treshold <- km
units(treshold) <- 'km'
get_number_of_countries <- function(country, countries, treshold){
distance <- st_distance(country, countries)
is_within_treshold <- distance < treshold
number_of_countries <- sum(is_within_treshold)
result <- list()
for (i in 1:length(countries)){
country <- countries[i,]
result[[as.character(country$NAME)]] <- get_number_of_countries(country, countries, treshold)
Runners up are, in order; finland, norway, poland, italy, uk, romania and greece. You could say they arent small either they are in the top 50%