Sao Tome is much closer to Gabon (150 miles) than Sudan (867 miles), and please accept 'Micronesia' instead of making us type out 'Federated States of Micronesia'
This test took neither FSM, the standard abbreviation accepted on Jet Punk nor Federated States of Micronesia, the full name. Why on earth would you not accept the full name for this quiz?
Your quiz accepted neither FSM (the typical Jet Punk abbreviation) nor Federated States of Micronesia. Burma is now Myanmar. You could have used Bhutan, Ivory Coast would be closer to Gabon than Italy.
hardly ever come across on Jetpunk with such blatant errors, Sao Tome being the most obviously wrong one. Also the required way of entering Micronesia is just absurd.
Also, Burma is now called Myanmar.
But nice idea!