Looks like a turn in a grand prix held in one of the answers, I don’t want to name it to give an answer to people who read the comments before starting.
Why not Congo? China is officially the People's Republic of China, just as North Korea is the People's Republic of Korea, but jetpunk considers them one- and two-word names respectively.
Because there are two countries that are called Congo, The Republic of Congo and The Democratic Repuublic of the Congo, and that is their name in Jetpunk, and when you only write "Congo" on here, both countries will be answered due to them both having "Congo" in their name, so it is only because their actual name on the site is more than one word to not cause confusion between the two.
If you have your countries down, it's not too bad when you cycle through continents. I only got two by just thinking about "o"s at first, but cycling through countries got me the rest.
Why? Genuine question!