And South Africa completely takes over Lesotho when you type it first... not sure if that is supposed to happen because Lesotho is so small though. Either way, great quiz! (Though it is fairly easy if you only do countries bordering each other)
This is a result of taking a shortcut when the world SVG was made. Since Nepal and Lesotho are landlocked, the paths for India and China and South Africa are drawn correctly but the maker wanted to make a shortcut, which was pretty smart, but in this quiz it uncovers it. This is also true for Macedonia and you can see it in "Countries with an Empty Map"
I think if you're going to show Palestine, you ought to list Palestine as a nation. I know it's a political landmine on this site, but they are given far more diplomatic recognition by other nations as independent than Taiwan (ROC), but a few less than China (PRC)
Why do some island countries have the round dots (Malta, Maldives, Mauritius, oceanic countries...) but some don't (all the Caribbean ones, Singapore, etc.)? Would be better if all micro countries get the round dots.
Not very difficult if you know what all the countries are. Maybe consider removing the answer box at the bottom so you can't see where the countries that you are missing are located? Having the borders be shown after you guess the correct answer makes this much easier, so I think this would give more challenge.
Nice quiz, but I'm seeing some random bits of yellow around the coastline of some countries such as Canada and Norway as well as a few unfilled islands of Australia and Indonesia. DR should be accepted for Dominican Republic
Also, Bir Tawil is unclaimed and not part of Sudan
The Countries of the World quiz has a 15 minute limit and this is supposed to be more difficult and is only 12 minutes. This is starting to feel more like a typing challenge. (Admittedly, I am not great at typing. )
Came here also to ask if you could add DR for Dominican Republic - but also to say congrats and thanks on the quiz. Most people don't appreciate how much work goes into making the quiz, the map, the type ins for 195 answers.. but an oversight and missed one and people whinging - no whinging from me, just a friendly memo. Cheers 6794!
The time limit is tight. I made it under 11 minutes, but I was sweating. This suppose to be about knowledge not a typing contest.I cant blind typing, I have to look at the keyboard, so if I make a spelling mistake, I loose a lot of time. I am not a native english speaker so it happens.
Also, Bir Tawil is unclaimed and not part of Sudan
My best time also happens to be 4:14 in the original Countries of the World quiz.
I think that's my ultimate form so I'll stop trying to achieve a time under 4mins
Not that I'm perfect or should be in the top 0.01%, but I think that this clearly demonstrates that there are quite a few cheaters at the top.
Although I do plan on rising a few more levels without cheating.
Would also help if I wasn't monolingual.
I always do it in this order. Oceania, S America, N America, Africa, Asia, Europe.
I don't think anyone cheats on this one; almost everybody on Jetpunk can do this literally blindfolded.