Rimpak, that makes no sense at all to me. If Greenland is not "part" of Denmark, then of what country is it part? I live in Gibraltar and we are part of the UK - like Greenland, not independent.
Hate to break it to you CardinalSin, but Gibraltar isn't a part of the UK.
The UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Anything that isn't part of one of those four isn't part of the UK. That includes Gibraltar, as well as the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, and the Falklands, among others.
Gibraltar is a dependent territory, not a part of the country.
I have a UK passport. Your argument is a semantic one. A territory of the UK is a part of the UK. It isn't a country in own right, it has to be part of one. As far as I know, the only inhabited land in the World that isn't part of a country is Antarctica. And that is only because those countries which claim parts of it have shelved their claims for a period under the terms of the Antarctic treaty.
If it's a sovereign territory, then it's its own country, de jure or de facto. If it's not, then it belongs to another country, and therefore you could say it's a part of it. Arguing that the way it belongs to that country makes it not be a part of it is indeed a matter of semantics. Effectively speaking, Gibraltar belongs to the UK, and therefore is a part of it, even if the territory doesn't share the same legal status as the "main" territory of Great Britain.
Here's the thing I don't get about this whole argument. You claim that any territories or crown dependencies aren't part of the UK, and Dutch people similarly claim that about their territories, but I have never once seen anyone claim that Puerto Rico is not a part of the United States although it has the exact same status as the examples given.
It wouldn't be #1 in any one of those categories. Total gun deaths actually would go well on the quiz, though, as the US is 2nd only to Brazil. (per capita they're much lower).
Xenophobia is a little harder to measure, but in a 2013 survey by World Values Survey (Sweden) polling different countries on their racist attitudes, the USA ranked damn near the bottom of the list (being most racially tolerant). Though many countries in Africa and some other around the world were not polled, the US would be somewhere around 170-190 on a list of xenophobic countries. India, in that poll, came out on top along with Jordan.
As for "faulty politicians," that's also difficult to measure, though on the Corruption Perceptions Index the United States is also very near the bottom of the list. Virtually every country in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe rank worse. Though the US is the only country to have elected a narcissistic orangutan as president so there's that.
Lame. The U.S. is still among the least corrupt and xenophobic places on Earth. Its shortcomings are magnified because of its stature as the world's most influential country, and it could learn some lessons from western Europe, but compared to most of the nearly 200 countries, the US is a very tolerant and uncorrupt (is that word? I don't think so) place. It's also worth reminding that Trump won the election with fewer actual votes than his opponent, and his approval rating is currently below 40%. There are ignorant morons here, but they are the minority.
I wasn't a Trump supporter initially (I voted for Cruz in the primary) but I've supported him since 2016 and I think he's had a great track record as President. Maybe that makes me an ignorant moron, or maybe you've gotten all your info about Trump from mainstream media outlets that hate him. BTW the approval rating for the mainstream American media is less than half that of Trump.
I have a serious question here: if you think you have a better basis than those of us consuming "mainstream media" (groan), then where are you getting your information? And what makes you think it is credible, other than that it tells you what you want to hear? I have seriously never understood this position. "I don't trust the New York Times, its on-the-ground reporting from all over the world, or its many award-winning and seasoned journalists, but there is a guy in a condo in Oklahoma with an absolutely killer blog. He's telling it like it is." The truth is that whatever alternative you prefer to the "mainstream media" likely has no resources of its own, and is merely offering commentary off the hard work done by the media to develop a story. They have no information beyond what the mainstream gives them. So why should anybody put faith in your opinion, or that of the "non-mainstream" media you prefer? You think QAnon is a better method?
I'm always extremely skeptical when I see stats about this. I know there are many different indigenous languages in South Africa and some other places, but America has got people living there from every country on Earth, AND a large host of its own indigenous languages. I'm guessing there's some highly dubious figuring going on in Africa, New Guinea, etc. inflating their figures, and a lot of undercounting in the US. But I don't actually know for certain. Just seems implausible.
Papua New Guinea has over 800 languages. It is a mountainous country populated with tribes living in valleys. For thousands of years, villages remained isolated from each other, and languages with ancient roots developed without foreign influence. There are also hundreds of islands.
I actually read first "beer consumption per capita" and guessed Germany, Czechia, etc. but didn´t work. After quiz i notice that it was "beef consumption per capita" :o
haha! that's funny. Of course on the German language wiki they have decided that in the years that East Germany and West Germany were separate countries, Germany got to field two olympic teams and win medals with both of them, something no other country ever benefited from doing.
Mexico passed America in obesity rates a number of years ago and Canada has been a higher CO2 emitter per capita at least the past 2 years as well. This test needs an update.
For the question about most 7.5 earthquakes it says the United States is rank #4. Shouldn't there be three answers instead of 2 answers for that question?
The USA would be #1 in that category (fattest man), but that would make a good question for a Countries That Beat Saudi Arabia (#2) or a Countries That Beat Mexico (#3) quiz...
Unless you mean fattest person still alive.... in which case the USA is #3 after Saudi Arabia and Mexico, and that would actually be a good question to include, except for the fact that enormously obese people tend to have short lifespans and you'd be setting yourself up for the quiz soon being out-of-date
I'm assuming just sheer number of different languages spoken, not necessarily official (otherwise it would be Bolivia and I think Zimbabwe as the answers). I put India originally but that wasn't correct.
- Ross Perlin has a good book about the many languages in the US, specifically New York City.
They are close, and when China's disputed territories are taken into account, she eclipses USA in size--at least that's what I've gleaned from various sources that flip-flop them between #3 and #4 in the rankings.
It's actually more about water area which the United States adds to its territory but not to other's, when playing fair without disputed territory China is still bigger.
How does India have all of those people AND all that farmland, but is 3x smaller? Maybe because i live in the midwest, i think there is more farmland than there actually is here in the states, but dang.
The UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Anything that isn't part of one of those four isn't part of the UK. That includes Gibraltar, as well as the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, and the Falklands, among others.
Gibraltar is a dependent territory, not a part of the country.
Great Quiz!
It's okay because I am american.
Xenophobia is a little harder to measure, but in a 2013 survey by World Values Survey (Sweden) polling different countries on their racist attitudes, the USA ranked damn near the bottom of the list (being most racially tolerant). Though many countries in Africa and some other around the world were not polled, the US would be somewhere around 170-190 on a list of xenophobic countries. India, in that poll, came out on top along with Jordan.
As for "faulty politicians," that's also difficult to measure, though on the Corruption Perceptions Index the United States is also very near the bottom of the list. Virtually every country in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe rank worse. Though the US is the only country to have elected a narcissistic orangutan as president so there's that.
Face it. A country 16% of Germanys population has more medals in the winter olympics
This puts Germany as top.
What is the criteria?
However if Malaysia hadn't been right for the stripes I'd have been struggling.
- Ross Perlin has a good book about the many languages in the US, specifically New York City.