Country Anagrams: Two Words (#1)

Each of these phrases' letters can be rearranged into a country name containing at least two words. Can you solve these anagrams?
We are using the common, English name (e.g. Cape Verde, not Cabo Verde)
Answers are as they appear in the Countries of the World quiz
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Quiz by Quizzer6794
Last updated: May 17, 2015
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First submittedMay 17, 2015
Times taken251
Average score54.5%
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Aim, Otters!
East Timor
Ore Or Thank?
North Korea
I Aid A U.S.A. Bar
Saudi Arabia
Rats Coo Ivy
Ivory Coast
Lad Or Slave?
El Salvador
Snail Ark
Sri Lanka
Landmass Hall, Sir
Marshall Islands
U.S. Handouts
South Sudan
Ivy, Can't I Act?
Vatican City
Release Iron!
Sierra Leone
We, A Land Zen
New Zealand
Level 76
May 17, 2015
If you want to use "common English names" then Cape Verde would be Cape Green. You'll also be dealing with Liechtenstone, Luxemtown, Black Mountain, St Marine, St Thomas & Principe, Leone Range, The Saviour...
Level 76
Jun 17, 2015

don't be that guy

Level 76
Jun 17, 2015
I really hoped those otters aimed. Everyone knows what happens when they don't (War of '93)