
European Geography A-Z

For each letter, guess these answers related to European Geography.
Quiz by Quizzer6794
Last updated: December 24, 2019
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First submittedJanuary 25, 2017
Times taken44,047
Average score73.1%
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Capital and largest city of Greece
Spanish host of the 1992 Olympics
Region in which the above is located
River that flows through 10 countries
Famous landmark located in Paris
Eiffel Tower
Néerlandophone portion of Belgium
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Turkish museum, once a mosque,
originally a church
Hagia Sophia
Spanish and Portuguese peninsula
Peninsula forming most of Denmark
Russian oblast that borders Poland
Hometown of the Beatles
Sea separating Africa and Europe
Paris cathedral, meaning "Our Lady"
Notre Dame
England's oldest university
Italian city of the Leaning Tower
Palace of the Italian President
Quirinal Palace
Bucharest is its capital
Largest Mediterranean island
River that flows through London
Country that owns Crimea?
Capital of Malta
One-fourth of the United Kingdom
Greek city of 1,000 colors
Russian city on the European border
Largest Swiss city
Level 76
Jan 26, 2017
Nice idea. Wanna do a more challenging one of these as well?
Level 76
Feb 4, 2017
No bites, so here's my attempt
Level 59
Jan 28, 2017
U is wrong!
Level 44
Jul 24, 2017
Yup its on Russian federation control
Level 68
Oct 25, 2017
I don't subscribe to the "possession is 9/10ths of the law" philosophy; if you steal my car, it's still *my* car – you just happened to steal it. Therefore, I like how this clue is worded.
Level 36
Aug 6, 2018
^ Completely agree! It still BELONGS to the Ukraine.
Level 85
Dec 17, 2023
Right?? This is why I consider the United States to be a part of the United Kingdom.
Level 85
Dec 17, 2023
But why even stop there? The United States technically doesn't even exist, just 1000 warring Native American tribes. Take THAT, reality!
Level 80
Jan 29, 2021
I is right! 😉
Level 58
Sep 28, 2021
That's why it has a question mark, also both countries claim Crimea.
Level 73
Nov 24, 2021
I also claim Crimea, so maybe I should be included in this quiz.
Level 73
Nov 24, 2021
^ This is just a joke, not a comment on the correct status of Crimea.
Level 76
Feb 7, 2017
Thanks for your thanks on the French version - you'll see that Hagia Sophia and Yekaterinburg didn't survive in translation, because the French names Sainte-Sophie and Iekaterinbourg don't start with H or Y!!!
Level 66
Feb 7, 2017
Welcome! Do you speak French or are you using a translator? (if the latter, it isn't even noticeable, which is good!)
Level 89
May 31, 2017
How do the same % of people get the 'Spanish and Portuguese peninsula' and 'Palace of the Italian President' questions? I would have thought the peninsula would be far more well known than some italian palace?
Level 66
Jun 1, 2017
Yes, surprisingly the new Q answer is getting many corrects!
Level 75
Jun 1, 2017
Surprising to me too - apparently there are a lot of us Rome nerds out there!
Level 73
Jun 1, 2017
I am AMAZED that many people know the Q answer. I have never even heard of it. I just assumed there was an obvious type in that people would know it by that i'd missed.

I'm genuinely staggered as many people know it as know a city in Switzerland that starts with Z!!

Level 66
Jun 1, 2017
This befuddles me too, as the only type-in is Quirinal, along with some misspellings.
Level 85
Jun 21, 2017
I didn't even have a guess for that one. No clue, whatsoever.
Level 59
Sep 28, 2020
I don't know what you guys are seeing, but the Peninsula has 69 percent more than Q. I've never even heard of Q, or that there was a Q.
Level 54
Mar 24, 2024
That was three years ago.
Level 58
Jul 24, 2017
I had never previously heard of that palace but the Q was a bit of a clue - I started thinking of the hills of Rome and know one of them starts with a Q and that was it. It was a bit of a wild stab in the dark, but it paid off.
Level 65
Jun 27, 2017
Russia owns Crimea, not Ukraine.
Level 66
Jun 27, 2017
The question mark says all...
Level 66
Jul 28, 2020
According to jetpunk, crimea is russian, so you might want to change that question.
Level 59
Sep 28, 2020
This is more like a jab at Russia, because they shouldn't have it.
Level 63
Sep 2, 2021
@CS Jetpunk takes no stance as to who *should* own any particular piece of land, but for consistency the convention used is whoever has control of it now.
Level 36
Dec 6, 2017
Great! - So if I move into your home, bag and baggage,it becomes mine.
Level 69
Sep 1, 2019
take enough tanks, I'm not sure he'll argue much
Level 70
Sep 24, 2019
How many more years until there is absolutely no question that Ukraine no longer owns Crimea... It's a fait accompli, whether right or wrong it's already a reality that Russia owns it. If we keep going by this logic then most countries would belong to someone else.
Level 47
Apr 15, 2024
Russia claims that all of Ukraine is/should be part of Russia and that the Russian and Ukrainian people are "one people", so should we just give up on Ukraine being its own state? Of course not.

"Whether right or wrong" - hard to believe, maybe, but right and wrong do kind of matter here.

Level 42
Jul 22, 2017
One thing: The Sea of Marmara could also work, as it separates European Turkey and Asian Turkey.
Level 57
Jul 22, 2017
Question was AFRICA and Europe.
Level 25
May 24, 2022
Yes, that's all well, but how exactly is that relevant to the question apart from that it starts with M?
Level 29
Jul 23, 2017
How about "catalunya" and "cataluna" for "catalonia" taking the spanish/catalan spellings?
Level 64
Jul 24, 2017
Somehow randomly guessed Xanthi. Don't even know how the name came to mind, and I don't remember seeing it anywhere, but I just randomly typed it in, and voila!
Level 74
Jul 24, 2017
Can of worms with the Wales one...
Level 82
Apr 11, 2018
How so? There are four parts of the UK, Wales clearly being one of them.
Level 79
May 30, 2019
Wales is hardly a fourth of the UK - neither in land area nor population - that's why.
Level 82
Sep 10, 2020
A fourth/quarter of the countries in the UK though.
Level 43
Jul 25, 2017
Catalunya should also work
Level 32
Aug 18, 2017
Quite impressed that I got Yekaterinburg and Valletta, but then again I didn't get Jutland somehow... Very good quiz though!
Level 49
Jun 1, 2018
Technically Wales is not one-fourth of the UK, as it doesn't cover a fourth of the UK's land area. Rather it is one of four regions of the UK.
Level 49
Jun 1, 2018
The quiz could be updated to say "1 of 4 countries in the United Kingdom"
Level 82
Sep 10, 2020
It could. But it is also fine as it is.
Level 80
Jan 29, 2021
Fun fact: Wales covers 8.55% of the UK's land area.
Level 49
Sep 22, 2018
Great quiz. Got thrown off by "Museum" for Hagia Sophia, sadly.
Level 76
May 21, 2019
"Russian city on the European border", meaning this is where Europe ends and Asia begins?
Level 84
Jun 27, 2019
'Hagia Sophia' is most known as a church, even as a mosque. But museum? Come on!
Level 66
Dec 24, 2019
The updated clue should suffice :)
Level 92
Jan 8, 2023
sadly it's a mosque again...
Level 75
Sep 26, 2019
Level 73
Feb 2, 2020
Oh man, I only missed two. I didn't know the Q answer at all, but I was close on the Y answer. I spelled it Yekaterininburg.So close and yet so far...
Level 63
Apr 13, 2020
I thought Xanthi would be better known, they have a carnival every year.
Level 72
Sep 23, 2020
I typed Xanthe... should've been accepted.
Level 59
Nov 3, 2020
Turkish museum, once a mosque, originally a church and now again a mosque ;)
Level 25
May 24, 2022
Proof of how confusing the world can be.
Level 74
May 3, 2021
Hagia Sofia... is a mosque once more..

Also, would you mind changing the french word 'Neerlandophone' to english word 'Dutchophone' please?

Level 17
Oct 27, 2022
Russia has taken crimea in 2014
Level 61
Nov 20, 2022
Yekaterinburg was tough! When most of us hear "border," we think administrative border. Perhaps the quiz text should be changed to "the edge of Europe" or else "the European-Asian border."
Level 54
Mar 24, 2024
Yekaterinburg was the only y Russian city I could think of, and I would guess that for most non-native people that is the same.
Level 41
Feb 6, 2023
The Hagia Sofia is a mosque once again...
Level 69
Jun 22, 2023
"Russian city on the European border". Do you mean the border with the European continent or other European countries? Russia has 37 cities starting with the letter Y and about 6 could qualify.
Level 65
Aug 23, 2023
Can’t believe I spelt Yekaterinburg first try.