I don't subscribe to the "possession is 9/10ths of the law" philosophy; if you steal my car, it's still *my* car – you just happened to steal it. Therefore, I like how this clue is worded.
Thanks for your thanks on the French version - you'll see that Hagia Sophia and Yekaterinburg didn't survive in translation, because the French names Sainte-Sophie and Iekaterinbourg don't start with H or Y!!!
How do the same % of people get the 'Spanish and Portuguese peninsula' and 'Palace of the Italian President' questions? I would have thought the peninsula would be far more well known than some italian palace?
I am AMAZED that many people know the Q answer. I have never even heard of it. I just assumed there was an obvious type in that people would know it by that i'd missed.
I'm genuinely staggered as many people know it as know a city in Switzerland that starts with Z!!
I had never previously heard of that palace but the Q was a bit of a clue - I started thinking of the hills of Rome and know one of them starts with a Q and that was it. It was a bit of a wild stab in the dark, but it paid off.
@CS Jetpunk takes no stance as to who *should* own any particular piece of land, but for consistency the convention used is whoever has control of it now.
How many more years until there is absolutely no question that Ukraine no longer owns Crimea... It's a fait accompli, whether right or wrong it's already a reality that Russia owns it. If we keep going by this logic then most countries would belong to someone else.
Russia claims that all of Ukraine is/should be part of Russia and that the Russian and Ukrainian people are "one people", so should we just give up on Ukraine being its own state? Of course not.
"Whether right or wrong" - hard to believe, maybe, but right and wrong do kind of matter here.
Somehow randomly guessed Xanthi. Don't even know how the name came to mind, and I don't remember seeing it anywhere, but I just randomly typed it in, and voila!
Yekaterinburg was tough! When most of us hear "border," we think administrative border. Perhaps the quiz text should be changed to "the edge of Europe" or else "the European-Asian border."
"Russian city on the European border". Do you mean the border with the European continent or other European countries? Russia has 37 cities starting with the letter Y and about 6 could qualify.
I'm genuinely staggered as many people know it as know a city in Switzerland that starts with Z!!
"Whether right or wrong" - hard to believe, maybe, but right and wrong do kind of matter here.
Also, would you mind changing the french word 'Neerlandophone' to english word 'Dutchophone' please?