That was a fun quiz, made a bit harder by the format of the longitude lines being rows instead of columns. Had to turn my mental map on its side to draw the lines.
If you want, in the answers step, put your first column of answers you want in the quiz. Then count how many answers you have already and add that many rows to the end. Add a place holder like a "1" to each of those empty columns. then go to design grid and split up into two columns. If it works, go back to answers step and exchange the 1s for answers you want. If you want more columns, add that same number that you did before again to the end and maybe add something like a "2" in each one. Then go back to design grid and change each heading. Save quiz. This is what I had to do for my Name Countries by Fourth Lettersquiz.
The 150°E parallel doesn't make landfall anywhere in Fed States of Micronesia, and neither does the 180° parallel with Kiribati (where the islands either side of the 180° line are over 600 miles apart). Maybe it's worth clarifying in the instructions that the line doesn't have to cross a country's land-mass, just its territorial waters?
Update on Kiribati - its islands are so far from the 180 degree parallel, both westwards and eastwards, that the 180 degree parallel is outside even the country's 200 mile economic zone. So I don't think we can say the 180 degree parallel passes "through" Kiribati. Kiribati's country coordinates, including Exclusive Economic Zone data, are available here.
I can't believe I totally blanked completely on all of Oceania, as well as Indonesia and Philippines. My mind wasn't thinking about islands being the largest countries, I guess.
Quiz description says "Mainland countries in which a meridian passes through their offshore islands are excluded." Fiji, on the other hand, is an island country, so it's not subject to that restriction.
As others have said, there needs to be a caveat about passing through territorial waters (for Micronesia). And address Jerry's point about 180deg going not passing through territorial waters (or even EEZ!) of Kiribati.
Very much enjoyed the quiz. Got all except Egypt, tsh.
If the EEZ is included, as would have to be done in order to count Kiribati as on the 180th meridian, then Tuvalu also needs to be included as on the 180th meridian as well.
The cells for the third countries for 150° E and 180° are filled with white background, making them almost indistinguishable from the greyed out cells in dark mode. Confused me a bit.
On dark mode, the third cells for 150 E and 180 are white, making them look basically the same as the greyed out cells. They should probably change to black like the rest of the cells.
Missed Brazil
Missed France
Very much enjoyed the quiz. Got all except Egypt, tsh.