
Five Most Populated Countries in 2050 by Continent

For each continent, name the five countries that are projected to have the highest population in the year 2050.
Source: Wikipedia
Population within the continent only
Quiz by Quizzer6794
Last updated: January 24, 2020
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First submittedJanuary 16, 2017
Times taken90,183
Average score86.7%
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374 m
215 m
D. R. Congo
213 m
160 m
129 m
1668 m
1325 m
366 m
317 m
204 m
102 m
79.1 m
73.2 m
United Kingdom
69.3 m
52.4 m
North America
378 m
United States
144 m
45.8 m
24.5 m
15.0 m
32.1 m
14.8 m
Papua New Guinea
5.96 m
New Zealand
1.22 m
Solomon Islands
1.09 m
South America
231 m
57.0 m
51.6 m
41.9 m
35.9 m
100 Recent Comments
Level ∞
Nov 12, 2022
This quiz has been defeatured because there is no difference between 2050 and the current year.
Level 46
Jan 24, 2017
Level 59
Jan 24, 2017
In most of the other quizzes PNG is listed as part of Asia.
Level 74
Jan 24, 2017
what ??? seriously ? it is not and never was part of Asia, in real life and in any jetpunk quizz...
Level 66
Jan 24, 2017
Name one valid quiz and I'll change it
Level 14
Jan 24, 2017
Level 45
Jan 18, 2018
i have not seen it like this on any quiz and ive looked at about a hundred of these already
Level 86
May 5, 2020
All of New Guinea should be considered part of Oceania, in reality.
Level 59
Jun 17, 2020
It is. It's just that Indonesia is an Asian country, even though it has territory in Oceania. It's like with Russia and Siberia or Egypt and Sinai.
Level 69
Jan 24, 2017
So many people in Nigeria :O And it's not a big country
Level 71
Dec 3, 2017
More than in the U.S. !!!!
Level 19
Dec 25, 2019
This is projecting it to *double* in the next 30 years, after it's already doubled in the past 30 years
Level 71
Apr 4, 2020
I have been paying a lot more attention to population stats since starting to do jetpunk quizzes. Actually Nigeria is not that small a country, approximately one tenth the size of the US, if my eyes don't deceive me, and the USA has a lot more in the way of desert and mountainous regions. Nearly four times the size of the UK. Currently, for all that it has that teeming metropolis Lagos (OK, I've never been there), Nigeria currently has a lower population density than the UK. But that certainly won't be true if Nigeria does double in population again.
Level 74
Sep 2, 2021
I knew it had a big population just based on the number of princes that have asked me to deposit their money in my bank account
Level 25
Jan 24, 2017
Great! :)
Level 44
Jan 24, 2017
I forgot Germany and the Uk, but I somehow managed to guess Fiji and Tanzania
Level 66
May 22, 2017
Well when you asked about the top five biggest in Oceania, it is always those three. In fact I don't think their placings moved from where they are today.
Level 55
Jan 25, 2017
Canada's population as of 2016 was about 36,000,000.
Level 59
Jan 29, 2017
Your point?
Level 38
May 5, 2020
It's an observation, chill
Level 66
Apr 21, 2022
Just that Canada is growing slowly, I suppose. Quite a lot of that is immigration, too
Level 67
Jan 25, 2017
Congo just ... come on man, just stop, ok?
Level 80
Mar 12, 2020
What about Nigeria?
Level 49
May 5, 2020
Congo is 3-4 times larger than France and would still have only 2-3 times more people than France.
Level 39
Jan 25, 2017
I thought Argentina would have more than 55 million. It is only 10 millon more than now!
Level 50
Jan 26, 2017
I didn't realise Papua new Guinea had that many more people -or is predicted to in the future - than new Zealand (even though I guessed both)
Level 69
May 5, 2020
PNG has 8.3 million people compared to New Zealand's not even 5 million.
Level 61
Jan 27, 2018
How could I forget about Nigeria?
Level 67
May 23, 2018
I think the answers were exactly the same as the current day one. It just seems that some of the orders are different.
Level 87
Jul 5, 2018
Close, but not quite. Cuba's still ahead of Haiti, at least according to Wiki.
Level 73
Sep 27, 2018
This is assuming that the East African Federation merger does not occur. If the merger does happen, it will likely be a top-10 if not top-5 population by 2050.
Level 89
May 5, 2020
I was not familiar with this proposed merger before, interesting
Level 59
May 5, 2020
I just looked this up, imagining some thing that was just set up for 2050 or some really far away date and was surprised to see it was set to have a constitution written by 2021 and form in 2023! Countries of the World may go down to 191!
Level 71
Apr 21, 2021
There's a lot that could happen in 30 years. I mean, 30 years ago the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia still existed, Hong Kong still belonged to the British, and countries like East Timor and Eritrea still weren't independent. Most of these countries will still exist of course, I'm just pointing out that, regardless of whether the EAU happens, there's a good chance the number of countries will be different in 2050.
Level 50
Sep 27, 2018
Really good quiz.
Level 66
Dec 4, 2018
I do not think India would be having 1.7 billion. Yes, India would certainly surpass China but 1.7 billion is TOO much!!
Level 70
Dec 30, 2018
With a positive increase of 50,000 per day and rising, I think the 1.7 billion may be overtaken before 2050.
Level 72
Mar 18, 2020
Yea curently the growth is 1% per year, so if it stays that way it would reach that in 21 years. 1.380.000x 1,0121=1.700.700

x1,01 is the same as 1% and the 21 just means you do that 21 times

Level 70
Dec 30, 2018
Germany to lose 8 million and UK to gain 9 million.......... doesn't seem correct to me.......
Level 70
Jan 21, 2019
Why not? Germany has a lower birth rate than the UK. Germany's population would be shrinking even faster if it weren't for immigration.
Level 49
Jan 18, 2019
I predict India to have a population of 1000 mil and UK 780 mil
Level 59
May 5, 2020
India is already past 1000mil
Level 51
Dec 20, 2020
Your predictions are bogus. India is way past a billion, and isn't going down anytime soon. But the UK. You project it to gain 712 Million. In 31 years.
Level 75
Mar 9, 2019
How can New Zealand be only 5 million people in 2050, when it has gone up from 4.3 million to 4.8 million in just the last decade?
Level 34
Aug 20, 2019
this shouldn't really be a surprise as most countries where white people are a majority are declining in population. The only thing keeping those populations stable is the influx of immigrants and refugees. Just take a look at Europe. Without immigrants, the continent's population would be stagnant, if not, slowly declining. And considering the fact that Australia and New Zealand were mainly populated by European colonists who were fleeing the destruction of Europe, places like Canada, America, Oceania and South America will soon follow this trend if they aren't already.
Level 75
Dec 14, 2019
But New Zealand has a much higher immigration rate than most of the rest of those counries
Level 50
Dec 24, 2019
Yes, but I would guess the quiz doesn't account for immigration, because this is something that fluctuates, and cannot be accurately predicted in the future. Instead, I suspect the data relies just on population growth in the countries.
Level 86
Jan 25, 2020
NZ is already hitting 5 million this year. It took 16 years for it to go from 4 to 5 million and the immigration rate is now the highest in the OECD, 5 times higher than the US, 3 times higher than the UK, double Australia's. The population projections always take immigration into account, so the source material for this projection is very clearly wrong. Stats NZ actually predicts a population of 7.5 million in 2068 even if immigration falls to half the current rate.
Level 43
Feb 28, 2024
What do white people have to do with this?

There nothing inherent in white people that is causing them to not have children. Wealthy populations just have less kids. That's it. Those immigrants coming to Australia and NZ will also follow suit and have less kids too.

Level 72
Mar 18, 2020
. The yearly increase is slowing down, but worldometers estimates it at 5,6 mil at 2050, reaching 5 mil as early as 2025.
Level 64
Aug 27, 2019
Definite lack of change in Europe except the uk. And nigeria is going to exceed the usa🤔
Level 72
Dec 24, 2019
People seriously need to start using condoms...
Level 29
Feb 13, 2020
Level 63
Dec 30, 2019
Overpopulation is the biggest threat to humankind. When resources and food become scarce there will be wars, famine etc

I certainly wouldn't want to be an African or Asian during those times.

Level 43
Apr 21, 2022
Overpopulation in third world countries is common, as in previous generations there was a low life expectancy so people had more babies. As life expectancy rises, there is a lowering of the birthrate, but this takes time to show an effect, due to a combination of an increased survival to old age and the gradualness of changes in culture. Once a country gets rich enough that children can easily survive into adulthood, the birthrate can fall below 2. This means that the birthrate falls below the replacement rate (you need two people to make a baby) and the population falls. This is currently happening in most of the western world, and Japan.
Level 74
Jan 18, 2020
This is a terrifying forecast for Bangladesh. The country is already basically a river delta, and is hugely prone to problems of flooding, river migration, extreme rain cycles, and overcrowding. This is coupled with the fact that neighboring countries are not exactly friendly, and in Modi's India increasingly hostile to Bangladeshis.
Level ∞
Jan 24, 2020
In positive news the birth rate for Bangladesh has declined by a lot in recent years and is actually below replacement levels now:

Level ∞
Jan 24, 2020
So while the population of Bangladesh will continue to grow for the next 30 years or so, it will level off and then start to decline. Many countries have seen similar trends thanks to higher standards of living and more empowerment for women.
Level 70
Apr 23, 2022
Yeah, definitely there is a need to bring Indian politics here. smh...
Level 70
Jan 24, 2020
How can Ethiopia feed, water, employ and keep healthy 228 million people?.......
Level 29
Feb 13, 2020
How can Nigeria feed over 400,000,000 people!

And in 2100, Nigeria’s population will be 750mil to 1bil

Level 50
Apr 21, 2022
Yeah that's assuming birth rates stay the same which is not going to happen.v
Level 85
Jan 25, 2020
Let's see how migration develops, when people have no resources anymore. It's probably never reaching those numbers.
Level 75
Mar 8, 2020
Is this taking into effect the crisis in Venezuela? Ten to twenty percent of the population have left the country.
Level 60
May 5, 2020
That's what I thought.
Level 43
Feb 28, 2024
Things can change quite rapidly. In 2010, Venezuela was an alright place to live.
Level 51
Mar 12, 2020
missed Ethiopia :c
Level 32
Apr 10, 2020
Russia lost 43 million people.


Level 71
May 5, 2020
I believe that's just the European part. Although the population of Russia is projected to decline, it's not expected to shrink by that much.
Level 46
May 1, 2020
got dominican republic by accident while typing drc
Level 60
May 5, 2020
Level 66
May 5, 2020
only found this comment because I wanted to type the same thing
Level 29
May 5, 2020
Is that a new type in
Level 59
May 5, 2020
DR? yeah it's in the new changes page the QM set up
Level 45
May 5, 2020
Someone tell Nigeria that this is not a race.
Level 67
May 5, 2020
scary estimation. imagine all those people trying to enter europe... how can we cope?
Level 51
Dec 20, 2020
Xenophobia, eh?
Level 25
May 5, 2020
Do. Rep has more than Cuba? What is this world we’re living in
Level 85
May 5, 2020
QM, thank you for adding "DR" as an acceptable entry for Dominican Republic!! Great call.
Level 50
May 5, 2020
Fiji was the only one which I didn't guess and I was listening to a song called "Fiji" by Taco Hemingway during making this quiz lmao
Level 50
May 5, 2020
Crazy how Russia's projected to lose 45 million people in 3 decades.
Level 47
May 28, 2020
I love this projects.

Twenty years ago, they predicted that Russia's population would be about 120 million by 2020.

Level 56
May 5, 2020
Venezuela > Peru? No way, milliones of venezuelans have fled the socialist regime, as a matter of fact about a million venezuelans are in Peru.
Level 72
May 5, 2020
Got to Oceania and saw the 1 million and thought, 'oh well better start guessing random islands'. First guess was Fiji and second was Solomon Islands lol super lucky I guess
Level 23
Jun 3, 2020
30 seconds left got fiji!
Level 57
Dec 28, 2020
Statistics Canada estimates Canada's 2050 population to grow to somwhere between 48.8 million - 56 million.
Level 61
Mar 12, 2021
why is papua new guinea in oceania, but on your world countries quiz it's in asia?
Level 47
Sep 12, 2021
the point is that it is very similar with an other project.
Level 51
Nov 12, 2021
I dont believe that Europes population is decrasing
Level 81
Apr 17, 2022
Quite a few of these, I'm pretty suspicious of, particularly Oceania. Australia's population in mid-2021 was 25.7 million and growing steadily - up 2 million on 2016. If these figures are correct it will gain just over 3 million more in the next 29 years. Meanwhile PNG is an underdeveloped country unlikely to hit the demographic ceiling anytime soon and already has 9.3 million this suggests it will gain only 700,000 in the next three decades. NZ is already 5.1 million, though it is slowing. Fiji is at 900,000. Solomons are at 700,000, so that's maybe a little more realistic, but even that one's questionable.
Level 65
Apr 21, 2022
I'm very surprised Cuba is not here.
Level 55
Apr 21, 2022
Cuba only has a current population of 11.5 million people. It’s consistently dropping each year too. Will probably be closer to 9-10 million by 2050.
Level 55
Apr 21, 2022
With the way the situation in Venezuela has been unfolding these past 6-8 years and the millions of refugees that have fled the country I see it being quite difficult to for Venezuela to hit its projected population of 40 million people.

It would have to make up a deficit of 12 million people which is currently 40% of its current population of 28 million. Unless the situation changes for the better there I see that being near impossible.

Level 41
Apr 21, 2022
Level 15
Apr 21, 2022
What do you trust in; God or money?

Sure, money is necessary to buy things like food and clothes, but do you only trust your money? What do you do when you don't have any money? You shouldn't trust in your cash to provide for all of your needs. If you can't afford the things you require, don't panic. If you love God, He will provide for you.

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:19

Level 81
Oct 12, 2022
Money has done a lot more for me than any gods ever have. Which is, of course, nothing. So maybe that's setting the bar low but... hey... it was your silly false dichotomy, not mine.
Level 56
Apr 18, 2023
God has never helped anyone and money itself doesn't help anyone, its there basics needs that they receive from that's important. Money however is much more reliable over something that doesn't exist.
Level 68
Apr 22, 2022
it's billion for india and china but other than that nice quiz!
Level 56
Apr 18, 2023
Some of these seem wrong, Im gonna list them and point out the flaws.

Russia- Russia is currently around 144 million in April 2023. I highly doubt a 3/10 people are going to die or migrate by 2050. I could see drastic changes happening like losing 10-15 million resulting in it being 129-134 but an entire 44 million seems wrong.

China- The one child policy screwed them over and even today they still only have a 1.3 fertility rate. It's also hard to tell cause the Chinese government isn't known for honestly ad over projects how well they're doing. Im very unsure but could seem their population going even into the 1.2 billion range. However the wikipedia estimate could be accurate, hard to tell since they have a unique situation.

Venezuela- With a concerning net migration rate and a fertility rate 0.1 above the replacement rate. I don't think they will grow as shown and in fact I could seem them shrinking heavily if they're economic situation doesn't change.

Level 67
May 29, 2023

Anyways, very ez