The Washington DC metro area is extremely large and includes counties north of Fredricksburg Virginia and most of the state of Maryland, including the Baltimore metro area. While DC proper is not that large population-wise, its surrounding counties are heavily populated with the adjacent Montogomery, Prince George's, and Fairfax counties all-surpassing 1 million in population in their own right. DC is a major hub of business in the US and has the population to boot, it just so happens most of this population lives in the surrounding counties due to the extremely small size of the district of Columbia.
Toronto's metro area only has about 6 million people while Chicago's is nearly 10 million and Washington DC's (which includes Baltimore due their extremely close proximity) is a little over 9 million
Only missed Khartoum, but that's because I didn't put the H in the right place... Maybe add Karthoum as a type-in? (Or not. Maybe I should just learn how to spell it!)
Guangzhou is enormous, but it's a relatively new city in terms of importance and it's not like most people outside China have a great knowledge of the country to begin with. Most people can name Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong and not many others.
Guangzhou is not "relative new in terms of its importance". It has been one of China's most significant ports since the Han Dynasty, two thousand years ago. One medieval European visitor, Odoric of Pordenone, stated that Guangzhou was three times as big as Venice and probably produced more than all of Italy. That was eight hundred years ago.
It also doesn't help that some people probably only know it by the old-school name "Canton" (as in "Cantonese"), which is an issue for a number of Chinese cities (and cities in other countries as well, I assume).
guangzhou is only the largest when using a very specific interpretation of what a metropolitan area is, so tokyo is still considered the largest by most definitions :3
Before starting the quiz, I was curious whether the Oceania column would be 100% Australian. For the sake of variety, I was pleased to see that it was not :)
This was harder than I thought it would be, I liked that there was not too much time, or at least I should say I ran out of time before I ran out of idea. Fun quiz.
How did I miss Kinshasa?! I spelled Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, Addis Ababa, Accra, Alexandria, but forgot all about Kinshasa! I also somehow forgot Shanghai and Mexico City
I'm guessing they mean that even if you added the populations of Sydney and Auckland to the population of the largest urban area of any of the other continents, the 5th largest Asian urban area would still have a higher population.
Mumbai and Kolkata are both more populated then Delhi and Shanghai is smaller than Mumbai, also Tokyo is the largest city in the world and Mumbai is the second largest in the world
It was said before. Guangzhou includes Shenzen and the entire pearl river delta which is a lot of people. More than Tokyo. Also, Mumbai is not second, it only includes a population of 18-21 million. And Kolkata (Including Howrah) is a big city, third in India, but still less than Delhi, which will include neighboring cities like Noida, Gurugram, and Ghaziabad.
Guangzhou includes Shenzen and the entire pearl river delta which is a lot of people. More than Tokyo. Also, Mumbai is not second, it only includes a population of 18 million. And Kolkata (Including Howrah) is a big city, third in India, but still less than Delhi. Jakarta has a population of over 20 million, but with Tangerang and Bekasi, it will have a population of over 30 million.
Berlin only has a population of 4 million, so it wouldn't make the top five. The weird thing is that Germany is the most populated country in Europe (Even more than Turkey) with Russia excluded.
Europe is to overrated when it comes to multiple terms like the west has a lot less people then you think and is a lot lot lot smaller in size and Africa is underrated for example DRC is very underestimated like their so populated that Kinshasa is literally the largest French speaking city so yes DRC is also ginormous in size use the website but the world lies to you in this way
You may have heard it by its old English name before: Canton. It's where you get the name of the Cantonese language from.
It's been a pretty significant city for thousands of years, being founded during the Qin Dynasty. The medieval Italian traveler Odoric of Pordenone said the city was three times the size of Venice and produced perhaps as much as all of Italy.
Im guessing the test is updated, as there is no "Khartoum" in the list, but Luanda now. Either way, I almost lost because of Washington DC, my brain almost completely deleted that city LMAO
it is by most definitions of what a city is, but jetpunk appears to use a slightly wonky definition from an article on with sources that i can't view without making a statista account :3
You might have confused that with population density, Tokyo definitely has the highest population density of any city in the world but does not have that much land area. Its population is 14.67 million
Istanbul is on its own peninsula that is connected to Europe. Turkey owns this peninsula though, which makes Turkey a transcontinental country, as the Europe-Asia border "goes through" the straight of Bosphorus, which is the divide between Turkey's two pieces of land.
I don't understand how Washington DC is on here over Toronto, Houston, or Dallas. If you're just looking at city population, it seems to be Toronto. If you're looking at Metro area, it would seem to be Dallas or Houston.
In fact, according to the "Metropolitan and Metro Statistical Areas" table from the site you referenced (2023 data), Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington has 8.1M while Washington-Arlington-Alexandria only has 6.3M.
Lo and behold, it's only the biggest city in the world.
It's been a pretty significant city for thousands of years, being founded during the Qin Dynasty. The medieval Italian traveler Odoric of Pordenone said the city was three times the size of Venice and produced perhaps as much as all of Italy.
Missed Washington DC
Missed Luanda