I Can Guess Your European Country (Quizzer6794 Edition)
After pressing anyletter, think of a country in Europe, then answer the six questions about it.
Enter Y for yes and N for no, typing your string of letters in order. For example, Canada would be NNNYYN. I will then guess your country! You can keep playing until you hit "Give Up". Have fun!
Using answers of categories from official JetPunk quizzes
The fifth question isn't necessary for Vatican City. You get it as soon as you do the fourth question, but you have to know that spaces count as characters.
I can’t believe why his quiz isn’t featured yet. That said, I think you should consider North Macedonia. Is considering just Macedonia, but if it’s considering, maybe my input (NYNYY) is incorrect. I’m receiving Russia, by the way.
The last question was a bit of a stretch, but that was for the six-question minimum :)
Make sure to try the original version by MattD07, with nine questions!