It is super tacky to put croatia with serbia and sudan with south sudan considering the human rights atrocities that went into those struggles. why not throw East Timor into the mix too?
But it’s not though, is it? Otherwise every world atlas would be tacky. The two are next to each other, and look to remain that way for the foreseeable. Whatever geopolitical gripes exist (and JP comments sections are always the best place to air them), politely pretending that nothing happened is a fairly good way of repeating history. Pretending that neither exists, is asking for trouble.
If Novak Djokovic and Marin Cilic can play a tennis match, on the same doubles team, then I think it’s clear that hatred doesn’t run quite as deeply as many would imagine it does, I think both would be more offended by the notion that a diagram of the factual proximity of their respective countries is somehow ‘tacky.’ Despite their best efforts, I’m afraid the positions of both South Sudan and East Timor remain the same also, tacky though it may be to point out. Perhaps they could swap?
Challenging, but enjoyable. Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan annoyed me the whole time, it looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Eventually got there, but Poland-Belarus eluded me to the end. I enjoyed the former countries and natural pairings, although those were generally the easiest.
No it's not. Neighboring states are the ones most likely to go to war with each other and also to have once been unified. Also, many many (most) Koreans wish for reunification, and the unified Korean peninsula is a popular symbol greeted with applause when it's use during events like the Olympics. #tongil
I don't know if it's intentional or if it's just an ironic addition but some of these countries were once united, or part of a geographic feature. For example, there's Iberia, Sudan + South Sudan, Czechoslovakia, Hispanola, and Korea.
But you have to say the shape of Serbia is much nicer with Kosovo, right?
If Novak Djokovic and Marin Cilic can play a tennis match, on the same doubles team, then I think it’s clear that hatred doesn’t run quite as deeply as many would imagine it does, I think both would be more offended by the notion that a diagram of the factual proximity of their respective countries is somehow ‘tacky.’ Despite their best efforts, I’m afraid the positions of both South Sudan and East Timor remain the same also, tacky though it may be to point out. Perhaps they could swap?
Czechoslovakia. The name is self explanatory, in a way.
Spain and Portugal were united once, as the Iberian Union.
Sudan used to control South Sudan.
Laos and Cambodia were the remains of French Indochina after Vietnam gained independence.
And Haiti once took over the D.R. (or maybe vice versa)
So, some of these are just... unnatural that they were made this way
(this is GeoSmartKirbyXD typing)
(still GeoSmartKirbyXD)
Also Iberia and Korea
-Sudan and South Sudan
- North and South Korea
- Czechia and Slovakia
- Colombia and Venezuela
- Haiti and Dominican Republic
Also Spain and Portugal were part of a dinastical union for a time, and Croatia and Serbia were part of the same country.
Reason: The 19th pair
-1st pair includes a colonizer
-4th pair is once colonized
-6th pair once under an extended government
-7th pair just need a small dot
-8th pair covered most of a peninsula
-9th pair is a past form of an African country
-12th pair once belong to a single country
-15th pair is a former country that dissolved in 1993
-18th pair covers a whole island
-19th pair: debate & dispute- imperial vs proposed merger
Any else?