
Present-Day Communist Nations

Name the countries that are currently governed by a Marxist-Leninist party.
North Korea's constitution was revised in 2009 to remove all references to Communism and Marxism-Leninism
Quiz by Quizzer6794
Last updated: January 1, 2020
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First submittedApril 16, 2015
Times taken41,867
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Single-Party States
Multi-Party State
Level 86
Mar 4, 2016
0/5 points for getting 100% correct? You're so strict!
Level 86
Mar 4, 2016
For this quiz, all points shall be distributed equally among all quiz takers. Or is that socialism? Or Stalinism? Or Leninism? Or Maoism? Or aren't they all the same anyway so that we can simply equivocate?
Level ∞
Mar 5, 2016
Good idea @mwierenga. I'm also putting any enemies of this quiz in a points gulag where they will be completely stripped of points until such time as they have been rehabilitated.
Level 59
Mar 22, 2016
@OsmiumSmriti Dude, chill. He wasn't being serious.
Level 55
Apr 16, 2016
They are all different as all those people had different views, I myself am a Marxist and see the difference in those ideas.
Level 80
Sep 30, 2021
Still a communist?
Level 76
Mar 4, 2016
I think in Lenin's utopia, everyone gets 5/5.
Level 76
Mar 18, 2016
Only if he says so.
Level 88
Dec 28, 2017
No, all of the total points are distributed equally among everyone who took the quiz.
Level 66
May 1, 2019
In Lenin’s utopia we all get 5/5 in theory, in practice who knows
Level 90
Dec 8, 2019
You're thinking of Mr. Rogers' neighborhood, not Lenin's.
Level 66
Mar 5, 2016
Lol. You should be able to earn your five points now.
Level 79
Oct 28, 2018
If we all get the questions right, the quiz itself will wither away.
Level 80
Mar 5, 2016
Great quiz! Small but surprisingly challenging.
Level 66
Mar 5, 2016
Yeah Nepal was added by QM only when he enabled it for points. Since the time frame Wikipedia had been edited. (Although surely I didn't make the quiz in 09!)
Level 47
Mar 18, 2016
What about North Korea?
Level 43
Mar 18, 2016
North Korea was communist, but the Marxist/Leninist ideology was replaced in their constitution in the early 1970s. Today they follow Juche, which is a policy system that places extreme emphasis on military strength and the cult of personality that surrounds the Supreme Leader and the whole Kim family.
Level 70
Mar 18, 2016
Isn't that a 'Dictatorship'
Level 86
Mar 18, 2016
It's a fascist state rather than your run of the mill dictatorship
Level 70
Jun 18, 2016
As Judge Judy says ...... "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck............ it's a duck!
Level 57
Jul 8, 2020
That rather proves the opposite. Did Ceausescu look the same as a Romanian peasant? Inequality in practice is a near-universal feature of Marxist-Leninist systems, although some leaders do a better job of not flaunting it than others.
Level 47
Jul 9, 2023
thats actually incorrect, the military aprt isnt the "juche", its the "songun", and the cult of personality is a cultural thing, not part of the official state ideology
Level 70
Mar 18, 2016
What about Albania ?
Level 88
Apr 4, 2020
Not since 1990.
Level 16
Mar 18, 2016
North Korea?
Level 68
May 15, 2022
These countries are legally communist, which means the constitution says that it is. None of these countries are actually communist.
Level 79
Mar 18, 2016
Theoretically, China is a multi-party state:'s_Republic_of_China
Level 56
Mar 18, 2016
Every communist country, especially the single-party states, wants to seem democratic. That's why they create more parties, but those always work together with the communist party. So there is no political opposition to them anyway.
Level ∞
Mar 18, 2016
According to the article, other parties must "must accept the leading role of the CPC as a condition of being allowed to exist". So I would say that de-facto it is a one-party state.
Level 65
Mar 18, 2016
only missed Nepal
Level 16
Mar 18, 2016
ha nepal-21%
Level 71
Mar 18, 2016
Got Nepal and missed Cuba! Duh!!
Level 70
Mar 18, 2016
Then you also have Belarus, the last dictatorship in Europe and also Turkmenistan who have those Turkmenbashi leaders who build golden statues of themselves. #selfesteemgoals
Level 69
Sep 25, 2019
not every dictatorship is communist...lukashenko does have a boner for the ussr though
Level 68
May 15, 2022
These countries are legally communist, which means the constitution says that it is. None of these countries are actually communist. hell, by definition a country with a government couldn't be communist because communism is a form of anarchy.
Level 51
Mar 18, 2016
what about venezuela?
Level 85
Jul 3, 2017
I believe the technical term for Venezuela is "train wreck". Just saw today that their currency has been devalued by 99.7% since 2013.
Level 71
Feb 26, 2018
well, that's what 'communism' is in practice, isn't it
Level 28
Sep 6, 2024
hope u havent made it to 2024
Level 68
May 15, 2022
Communism, by definition, is a form of anarchy, so no government would even exist in a communist society. Just because they claim to be socialist (isn't the same as communism anyway) doesn't make them socialist. The countries on this list are legally communist, as in the constitution says so, which Venezuela also doesn't have. the only reason Nepal is one here is because the communist party currently controls the government.
Level 46
Feb 9, 2024
Are you sure about all that? Because in practice, it seems to be more of a form of totalitarianism, which is obviously the exact opposite of anarchism. On every political compass I've seen, it's very AuthRight. If you can, I would like you to provide a source for that "communism is a form of anarchism" nonsense.
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
Venezuela is a social democracy
Level 57
Mar 18, 2016
What about the supposedly communist North Korea? 'People's Democratic Republic of Korea'. Run by dictatorship but still technically communist
Level 71
Sep 24, 2016
None of these countries are technically communist, nor were any countries ever. North Korea for example has some fascist ideals, and there is no way everyone is equal in that country, (very very few people have wealth, while everyone else is left poor). Therefore I think it is correct to exclude North Korea.
Level 79
Oct 28, 2018
By the purest principles of Marxism, 'communist state' is an oxymoron. Once communism has been attained the state withers away. I guess we'll just have to rub along as we are until then.
Level 57
Jul 8, 2020
Well inequality between the rulers and the ordinary people is a fundamental of communism in practice... it's a fundamental of lots of other repressive systems as well, of course.
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
it very much is not fundamental to communism. In fact some communist countries, like Cuba, have among the lowest wealth inequality worldwide
Level 47
Mar 23, 2016
No truely Capitalist state has ever existed either - in reality all economies are mixtures between free market forces and state intervention. So I don't think it is fair to say communism can't work/ hsan't worked or is incompatible with human nature. Marx and other left wing thinkers have had a huge influence on economics and politics as have Adam Smith and other free market advocates
Level 81
Sep 30, 2020
Capitalism and a free market economy are not exactly the same things. Capitalism and regulation are not mutually exclusive. But you could say that pretty much all countries today are a mixture of capitalist and socialist. I don't really know much about North Korea's economy but they might be the only country in the world with close to a 100% planned economy?
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
Marx was heavily inspired by Adam Smith as well. Something many people seem to not know.
Level 28
Mar 23, 2016
North Korea should be on here
Level 66
Mar 23, 2016
Read explanations
Level 35
Apr 1, 2016
What about Brazil ? If PT is not considered as a marxist party, I don't know what it is
Level 66
Apr 24, 2018
You should learn more about communism... Just because a country has social programs like bolsa família doesn't mean it's communist like the countries listed above...
Level 61
Jun 5, 2019
you definitely don't know what it is...
Level 68
May 15, 2022
Just because you have a (so called) progressive party doesn't make it communist. Also, by definition, communism is a form of anarchy, so there wouldn't even be a government or any parties for that matter!
Level 20
Apr 4, 2016
What about north korea?
Level 60
Oct 28, 2018


Level 81
Sep 22, 2016
All such havens of prosperity with commendable human rights records.
Level 69
Sep 25, 2019
Nepal is pretty good for the region tbh
Level 68
May 15, 2022
none of these countries are actually communist anyway. Communism, by definition, is a form of anarchy, so no government would even exist in a communist society. (also Nepal is decent at protecting human rights, but nowhere near perfect).
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
Cuba actually is quite progressive, except for the poverty which however is not special for that part of the world
Level 25
Nov 17, 2016
May I ask, why was Nepal included? There are other countries that have a communist party and are a "multi-party state". So what makes Nepal so special.
Level 59
Dec 25, 2016
Maybe because the Nepalese communist party controls most of the parliament.
Level 71
May 21, 2017
Before 1996 Nepal was a monarchy where the king and queen held all of the power. However, the average Nepali saw no improvement in quality of life and average citizen was poor. From 1996-2006 Maoist rebels started a civil war in hopes of helping their communities. Eventually in 2006 the monarchy stepped down and the Communist party was democratically elected and has won the popular vote to this day, even though there are otherpolitical parties in Nepal.
Level 69
Sep 25, 2019
Currently, the communist party of Nepal is the governing party
Level 83
Jan 30, 2017
Maybe all of these Commies I see on quiz websites should move to these countries.
Level 69
Sep 25, 2019
Cuba is the only socialist country
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
Maybe all of these capitalists should move to the Congo and enjoy the free market among the warlords
Level 60
Apr 8, 2017
What about Angola?
Level 68
May 15, 2022
none of these countries are actually "communist", they are just legally, as in the constitution says so, communist. Angola doesn't have that in their constitution.
Level 20
Jan 14, 2018
Belarus, North Korea not taken.... I'm not doing more of this lol
Level 77
Jul 31, 2019
North Korea isn't communist? Because they say so? So I guess East Germany was Democratic because they put it in their name.
Level 69
Sep 25, 2019
Cuba is the only remaining communist country, the rest are capitalist with a "communist" party.
Level 48
May 4, 2021
by that logic, no selfcalled communist countries are communist, because marx didnt envisiona totalitarian dictatorship of 1 bourgeois dictator huh
Level 68
May 15, 2022
By definition, communism is a form of anarchy, so there wouldn't even be a state! So none of these countries are actually communist.
Level 82
Mar 17, 2020
I always find it interesting that these quizzes completely ignore the marxist countries of Africa. Almost all of them fell to the reds after the Europeans left. A couple of them were made into nice places by Europeans before completely crumbling under Marxist rule (Rhodesia, South Africa, Angola, Mozambique)
Level 57
Jul 8, 2020
South Africa, Marxist? Errrm... kleptocracy, perhaps, but not all kleptocracies are Marxist.
Level 68
May 15, 2022
These countries are legally, as in the constitution says, communist. They are not actually listing communist countries, or else this quiz would have 0 countries in it!
Level 32
Jun 18, 2020
Did you know that China is fascist communist and democratic?

China is officially a Republic, which implies democracy.

But it's a single-party state, which implies fascism.

But it's a communist party.

China is the rainbow of ideologies.

Level 57
Jul 8, 2020
Well... the one-party state is far more a communist than a fascist practice. The USSR existed before any of the fascist regimes came into being, and there have been many more communist one-party states than fascist ones. And I'm not sure how democratic the original republic, the Roman one, was. Not much though, I don't think.
Level 59
Nov 5, 2021
Literally every Marxist-Leninist country is/was called a republic. Even the big daddy itself, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. China being that too doesn't feel that noteworthy to me.
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
single party state does not imply fascism. In fact a single party state can still be democratic if people get to vote on their representatives directly.
Level 59
Nov 9, 2020
As a devout communist, I am appauled to see that people think there are multi-party communist regimes. Communism only works with one party in charge. ONLY ONE SUPREME LEADER CAN RULE!!!!!!!!!
Level 58
Jan 22, 2021
It doesn't really matter because communism always fails
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
Maybe you should look at the track record of communist Grenada and Burkina Faso who after the revolution experienced economic wonders and massive human rights improvements. These governments were then overthrown. Do you think that's a failure? I don't think so.
Level 68
May 15, 2022
These countries are legally, as in the constitution says, communist. This is not actually listing communist countries, or else this quiz would have 0 countries in it! Also, a "communist state" is inherently oxymoronic, because by definition, communism is a form of anarchy.
Level 77
Aug 22, 2024
Spoken like a true eleven-year-old.
Level 52
Feb 11, 2021
Shouldn't Guyana be on the list too?

Level 68
May 15, 2022
These countries are legally, as in the constitution says, communist. Just because you have a (so called) progressive party doesn't make it communist. The only reason Nepal is on here is because the communist party of Nepal currently has a majority in the government. Also, by definition, communism is a form of anarchy, so there wouldn't even be a state!
Level 70
Apr 14, 2021
Communism does not scale up very well. It works best in single income households.
Level 59
Dec 8, 2021
Nepal shouldn't be on the list since July 2021

Level 53
Apr 20, 2022
North Korea isnt technically a communist state
Level 53
Apr 20, 2022
nvm I didnt do the quiz but I thought north kroea was in the spot of nepal lol BUt Nepal shouldnt even be on here.
Level 70
Aug 3, 2023
This is a list of countries that have communism in their constitution and a communist party in power. North Korea rightfully is not on here and Nepal is rightfully here.
Level 68
May 15, 2022
By definition, communism is a form of anarchy, so there wouldn't even be a state! So technically, none of these countries are actually communist. And btw, that makes the USSR and the Warsaw pact also not communist, as well as many, many others.
Level 54
May 17, 2022
Nepal with the 20%.
Level 62
Mar 22, 2023
4/5 , I thought of Nepal, then didn't type it because I thought no it must be one of the northern "stan" countries.
Level 36
Apr 26, 2023
5/5 in19 seconds
Level 23
Mar 2, 2024
Wow! Nepal... and l thinking of a multitude of Central Asian (especially Kazakhstan), South-East Asian (Vietnam, Laos?), Southern/Central African and even other Latin American states (besides Cuba), but Nepal? Never, especially since it borders Tibet...
Level 18
Jan 16, 2025
Isn’t North Korea neo communist?