Is PPP the best metric here? I always thought PPP was meant to measure how much the individuals can buy, whereas nominal GDP measures how rich the country is compared to other countries. Interesting quiz anyway!
Yes, it's me! I stopped playing a few years back when my workplace got a better firewall, and my account was eventually deleted, but now, I've been working remotely from home for a few months, so I'm back!
Ugggh, I was ABSOLUTELY certain that one was going to be Bahrain, so much so that I repeatedly typed in the answer and was wondering why it wasn't accepting.
Brunei does not have widespread poverty at all. When I went there, I was pleasantly suprised to find very high living standards. With only 400,000 people, the sultan just has to spread a fraction of his wealth to ensure his people are not in poverty.
Got every country fist guess except for Taiwan since it itsn't considered a country more often nowadays. I forget it's still a legit country on Jetpunk
If you have ever lived there, it is pretty obvious it is an independent country, de facto though not de jure. It has its own currency, entry requirements, school system, military, etc. It controls its own borders. It is a democracy with elections.
only 12 countries recognize it, yet JetPunk wants to honor its country status, meanwhile 145 countries recognize Palestine and JetPunk does not want to even acknowledge its existence.
It is said that their workers are relatively cheaply paid compared to the continent's basis, and the population is also big, but somehow the GDP per capita of Putin's people remains remarkable. See how their billionaires are commanding!
China is a rich country in the sense that its total GDP is big. But that is because it has a population of more than one billion. Per capita, it is not rich. Again, if you had ever lived there, that would be perfectly obvious.
It's a quirk in how things are calculated. Many big companies such as Google, Apple, and Facebook employ a variety of accounting scams to avoid paying taxes. One of these is to book revenue via an Irish subsidiary. The revenue counts as economic production for Ireland, but it doesn't actually reach the population.
Can someone explain why is Guyana so high? I read that they recently found some oil but I can't believe it's enough to be in front of Germany, Japan or Taiwan.
Basically no other continents have countries starting with Z.
Great quiz though, my favourite type. You have to think.
Interesting fact: Puerto Rico is mas rico than both. Always thought of Puerto Rico as being pretty poor...
Not a good quiz.
forgot germany :(