Nice work, guys! My apologies for the inconvenience of having to type out the continent, as opposed to the clickable version that may have brought you here.
took me like 7 attemps. I have no 'C' button on my keyboard so have to press so hard to get the letter. Antartia was my outcome a lot. And then as soon as i typed the final a on oceania, i had 1 second left and nearly started weeping with joy hahaha
The fact that you have to type them all in a specific order is frustrating. I do want to practise typing various things (i.e. continents, countries) as fast as possible, but I normally type the continents in a different order to this.
I got 7 seconds too! I didn't see the numbers the first time so I just typed all of the continents I could think of, just to see asiaafricaantarcticaeuropeafrica typed into the search bar.
2nd attempt = 6
3rd attempt = 4
4th attempt = 7, 0:03 remaining