Fight Movies of the 80s

Guess the movie by reading the tag line
Quiz by holypauly
Last updated: December 5, 2015
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First submittedDecember 4, 2015
Times taken88
Average score33.3%
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Wimpy kid is used as a punching bag by the cool kids so he seeks revenge by training for a full month with a Japanese sensei that promotes him to a black belt in a record time.
The Karate Kid
Ninja flees to the US from Japan after he finds his family dead only to discover that his American partner is a heroin
Revenge of the Ninja
Hot headed kid get beat up in the local karate club to the point he starts to hallucinating that Bruce Lee comes to teach him the ways of martial arts so he can beat up the mean russian guy who shows no sportmanship at a karate tournament
No retreat, no surrender
Guy wants revenge after his brother ends up in a wheelchair in a Muay Thai fight where elbows to the back are legal on a downed opponent. You bleed like Mylee!
Brick breaking american with a French accent honors his Japanese coach by entering a real life Street fighter II tournament where the final fight is against a sadistic fighter of very few words
Kwai Chang Caine tries to pick a fight with the man who counted to infinity...twice
Lone Wolf McQuade
Tae Kwon do masters James Earl Jones, Eric Roberts and Chris Penn represent team USA together with two geeks and a Korean to face big bad South Korea in a tournament where the most epic axe kick in movie history takes place.
Best of the best
Who's the master? Glowing kung fu kid who occasionally dresses up as a ninja can't keep his eyes off of Bruce Lee while he's making out with a hot pop star girl.
The last dragon
Punch drunk boxer loses title fight against a fighter with anger management issues and then lies about it to his coach who's on his death bed, he later regains his title by understanding that using his face to block punches is a bad idea.
Rocky III
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