Sentence | Answer | % Correct |
Harry: This is a family show... ___? | or is it | 93%
Zayn: Vas ___! | happenin' | 92%
Louis: NO! Jimmy ___ | protested | 91%
Liam: I have a strange fear of ___ | spoons | 91%
Louis: I like girls who ___ | eat carrots | 90%
Harry: GET OUT OF MY ___! | KITCHEN | 90%
Harry: apart from my drug tests, they're all ___ | negative | 90%
Louis: Well what do you bring Liam? ___ | NO HAIR | 90%
Louis: Niall the bad boy? Give it a rest... Niall the ___ more like | church boy | 89%
Zayn: ___, you idiot! | Louis | 87%
Harry: London's ___ | quite big | 86%
Harry: Cute as a ___ every single one of you | button | 85%
Louis: It says "do not dial nine", so... ___ | I dialed nine | 83%
Niall: Come on Barbie, ___, ah-ah-ah-yeah | let's go party | 83%
Niall: Pranks, ___, ... AH! | laughs | 79%
Liam: you stay exactly where you are beacuse you are ___ | per-fect | 78%
Niall: We took a ___ | chonce | 77%
Louis: SHE'S ___! | MINE | 77%
Niall: Just chillin' out ___ | in me box | 76%
Louis: Can anyone hear ___? | running water | 76%
James Corden: no the ___ doesn't talk, Louis! | cat | 74%
Harry: Two bananas for a pound, ___ | three bananas for a euro | 74%
Harry: I have a son, his name is Ishmael, ___ | he never calls me anymore | 70%
Louis: Forget what they taught you in the scouts, Payno, ___ | we're doing it the Tommo way | 69%
Harry: I'm tired and ___ | it's winter | 68%
Harry: Phisically, I'm fine. ___ | Emotionally, I'm bruised | 66%
Zayn: I didn't learn anything in ___ | Japan | 66%
Zayn: I wouldn't date any of you, 'cause none of you ___ | picked me | 66%
"I don't know why you're being shy" Niall: ___? | why you so shy | 62%
Louis: That's your fucking job, you ___ | fucking loser | 56%
Liam: ___ mate, straight up | Dinosaurs | 48%
"We love you Niall" Niall: ___ | I LOVE ME | 48%
Harry: ___ me Liam | Excuse | 47%
Zayn: All day, all night, ___, ___ | dj Malik | 46%
Niall: I LOVE ___! (Louis: Thank you, ___) | DUCKS, Niall | 46%
Louis: Chicken, stuffed with ___, wrapped in Parma ___, with some homemade ___ | mozzarella, ham, mash | 45%
Zayn: ___? Malibu, Malibu sorry | Malabami | 44%
Niall: Well I'll tell you what ___, you are unbeliavable | Sherlock Holmes | 43%
Liam: older women love me, especially ___ | your mom | 43%
Liam: It's dj ___ in da house | Payne | 41%
Zayn: I'd always ___, Louis | save you | 41%
Liam: stop it man, my ___ is on fire! | arse | 33%
Liam: can you ___ or not? | read | 33%
Niall: Ah... watcha do ___? | that for | 32%
Liam: what's wrong with ___? | avocados | 31%
Liam: I've got that ___ that will make your lady crazy | One D | 31%
Zayn: I drank too much ___ | energy juice | 28%
Zayn: ONE ___ to the bitches in the house | BILLION | 22%
Zayn: When it takes off, it's gonna do a ___ in the air | loop-the-loop | 21%
Niall: Welcome to my ___ | fridge | 18%
"how can I die for Liam Payne without being dramatic?" Liam: ___ | alone | 15%
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