Quizzes by Bti92

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user Bti92.
# of Quizzes 534
# Featured 1
# Subscribers 11
Times taken 31,731
Quizmaker Rank # 1,193
2,6042024-12-14Most spoken Languages of each country with an Empty Map
1,5792022-01-09 Landen die Nederlands spreken
8002024-12-14Languages of the World with an Empty Map
5022022-02-20Capitales de l'Afrique sur une carte
4452022-01-10Top 10 Länder mit den meisten Deutschsprachigen
3982024-05-20Członkowie NATO
3742022-09-24Pays avec le plus de Français
3672024-05-20Capitals of Overseas Territories and Unrecognized Countries
3572022-01-09Hauptstädte der Länder, die an das Mittelmeer grenzen
3552022-01-10Pays avec le plus de francophones
3502022-02-01Capitals of Europe on an Empty Map
3342023-04-13Mitglieder der NATO
2972022-03-12Capitals of the States of Germany on a Map
2942022-06-24Largest European Ethnic Groups in the USA
2652022-10-14How European countries gained Independence
2482022-06-23Länder mit den meisten Österreichern
2402022-02-04Capital Cities that Start with P
2322022-02-21Mégapoles du monde
2312022-03-06Comment les pays européens ont accédé à l'indépendance
2302022-04-19Flags of Oceania- Countries and Territories
2302022-03-06Comment les pays africains ont accédé à l'indépendance
2272021-10-14Most Populated Islands
2272022-01-10Official Languages of European Countries on a map
2172022-03-12Hauptstädte, die mit B beginnen
2092022-01-29Languages of the Russian Republics
2092022-01-29Paesi con più parlanti italiani
2082022-01-30Pays en anglais
1972022-02-04Wie die europäischen Länder ihre Unabhängigkeit erlangten
1882022-01-31Capitals of Africa on a map
1842022-06-23Kolonien des Deutschen Reiches
1752022-03-12Hauptstädte, die mit A beginnen
1752024-05-19How Asian countries gained Independence
1682021-11-02Languages of Moldova
1672022-05-30Recognized Minority Languages in Europe
1532022-06-23Largest Ethnic Groups in Central Asia
1502022-03-05Capitales de las Comunidades Autónomas de España
1452022-06-23Países que más inmigran a España
1432022-01-07How countries gained Independence
1402022-06-23100 ciudades no capitales más grandes
1392022-03-19Membres de l'OTAN
1392022-02-06Chechnya Quiz
1392022-01-29Länder am Polarkreis
1342022-02-21Länder, die an Österreich-Ungarn grenzten
1342022-02-19Pays les plus proches de l'Antarctique
1342024-08-14Flags of Countries in 1940
1342021-10-17How African countries gained Independence
1332024-08-14Países con el Español como Idioma Oficial
1292022-12-02How Oceanian countries gained Independence
1262021-10-23Former Names of Countries
1252022-01-09Iranian Languages
1242022-03-05Comment les pays d'Amérique du Sud ont obtenu leur indépendance
1232024-08-14Official Languages of the Middle East
1202022-01-29Langues les plus parlées
1182022-01-09How South Americans countries gained Independence
1172022-01-10Les îles françaises les plus peuplées
1162021-10-17How North American countries gained Independence
1142022-02-04Bevölkerungsreichste Inseln
1132022-10-08Hauptstädte der Länder im Jahr 1914
1102024-05-19Asian Countries by their Natives Languages
1092022-04-21Largest Ethnic Groups of the Soviet Union
1052022-02-19Länder, die der Antarktis am nächsten liegen
1052022-02-06Bezirke Hamburgs
1042022-03-24Absolute Monarchies of the World
1032022-10-08Capitales des pays en 1914
1032022-10-09Capital of Countries of the World in 1945 with a Map
1032021-10-14Most populated countries in 1900
1032022-01-07Flags to Languages
1012022-01-30Paises en Ingles
982022-03-05Comment les pays nord-américains ont obtenu leur indépendance
982022-02-20Kraje, które produkują najwięcej wiśni
962022-04-16Countries on the Mediterranean by Languages
962022-04-21Languages of Hungary
952022-10-01Flags of Extinct Countries
942021-11-02Countries with Royal Families
942022-02-04Groups of 4- Geography
942024-08-17Capitals in Squares of an Empty World Map
922022-04-17Flags to Languages-Extreme Mode
892022-01-29Bandiere dei Paesi che confinano con l'Italia
882022-03-06Comment les pays d'Océanie ont accédé à l'indépendance
872022-10-10Flags of the Departments of Colombia
872022-04-18Capitales des pays limitrophes de l'Iran
862022-03-24Languages of the Soviet Union
852021-10-13Newest Countries to gain Independence
832022-02-17Most Popular Languages
832022-01-14Countries of Europe in 1930
802022-02-24History of North Macedonia
802021-11-02Languages of Luxembourg
792022-01-08Semitic Languages
792022-09-23Dagestan Quiz
782022-02-21Hauptstädte der australischen Staaten und Territorien
752022-10-09Countries with over 1 Million Spanish Speakers
732022-09-24Frontière la plus longue de tous les pays
722022-01-08Slavic Languages
722022-02-18Caribbean / Lesser Antilles Capitals Quiz
722022-01-07Countries that Speak Latvian
702022-01-30Języki słowiańskie
692022-09-24Fronteira mais longa de todos os países
692021-10-12Top 10 Countries with the Lowest Birth Rates
682021-11-01Countries with the most French speakers
682022-04-20Most Populous Islands of the United States
672022-02-03Boroughs of Hamburg
662022-01-30Länderflaggen mit dem Kreuz des Südens
662022-01-28Countries and Territories of the Greater Antilles
662022-01-29Paesi che confinano con l'Italia
662022-10-09Capitales de países en 1914
662021-10-24Most Spoken Languages
662022-01-07Flags of Countries of Europe in 1910
652022-04-21Languages of Estonia
652024-05-19Languages to Countries- Asia
652021-11-02Largest Mountain Ranges
652022-02-21Langues celtiques
642022-04-19Random European Capitals on a Map
642022-09-24Las ciudades más grandes de Cuba
642022-03-05Países con más hispanohablantes
632022-01-11Tokelau Quiz
632022-01-10Países con más hispanohablantes
622022-01-29Maat, joissa on kuninkaallisia perheitä
622022-04-20Most Populous European Islands
622022-01-29Nombres anteriores de países
612022-12-13Biggest European Subdivisions by Population
612021-10-11Top 10 Countries with the Most English Speakers
602022-01-08Polynesian Languages
602021-11-02Languages of Switzerland
602021-10-12Top 10 Countries with the Most German Speakers
602022-02-04Capitals of Countries of the United Kingdom
592021-10-12Flags of Former British Colonies
592022-02-07Minority Languages of China
582021-11-01Languages of Aruba
582022-06-24Islas mas grandes de España
582022-04-17Capitals of the Modern-Day Countries of the Holy Roman Empire
572022-02-01Megacities of the World
572022-09-24European Languages with the most speakers
562022-01-15Countries of Europe in 1970
562021-11-02Languages of North Macedonia
552022-01-28Original Members of the United Nations
552023-01-14Paesi che producono più ciliegie
552022-10-04Countries with the Highest Percentage of English Speakers
542021-10-1320 Least Densely Populated Countries/ Territories
542021-11-01Languages of Cyprus
542022-01-27Countries that gained Independence from the United Kingdom
542022-01-09Les plus grandes îles françaises
542021-10-1320 Biggest Islands in Indonesia
542022-09-24Las ciudades más grandes de Bolivia
542022-10-09Capitais dos países em 1914
532022-04-21Capitals of the Holy Roman Empire
532021-11-01Countries with the most Italian speakers
522022-01-30Countries that Produce the Most Cucumbers
522021-11-02Languages of Spain
522022-09-23Tatarstan Quiz
522022-01-21Flags of Countries that Border Turkey
512021-11-02Languages of Nepal
512023-02-14Countries with the Highest Percentage of Sikhs
512022-09-24Il confine più lungo di ogni paese
502022-01-22Countries that Border Saudi Arabia
502022-01-31Capitals of Mediterranean Countries with an Empty Map
482022-03-02Countries with more Than 100 Million People- Shape Quiz
482022-04-19Capitals of the Countries of Europe Before World War I
482021-11-01Languages of Christmas Island
472022-02-21Autonomous Republics of the Soviet Union
472022-03-06Capitals of the Autonomous Communities of Spain
472022-06-08European Countries in their Native Languages
472021-10-12Countries on the Arctic Circle
472022-09-23Constituants de l'Indochine française
472021-11-01Languages of Belize
462021-11-02Languages of Montenegro
462021-11-01Languages of Afghanistan
462021-11-01Countries with the most Arabic speakers
462022-10-08Departamentos de Colombia- Quiz de Banderas
462021-11-01Countries with the most Russian speakers
462022-02-02Countries with only one Border
462021-10-12Biggest Cities of Every Country on a Map
462021-11-02Languages of South Africa
462022-02-04Official Names of Countries
452022-04-20Countries that Bordered the Ottoman Empire
452021-10-18Countries with the lowest life expectancy
452022-04-20Countries that haven't been conquered since 1850
452022-10-17Districts of Copenhagen
442022-01-24Languages to Country- Europe
442021-11-01Languages of Ethiopia
442022-01-08Flags to Languages- Hard Mode
442022-10-08Capitals of Countries in 1914
442022-02-21Cómo se independizaron los países sudamericanos
432022-01-29Langues celtiques
432022-01-29Pohjoismaiden ristin liput
432021-11-01Languages of Canada
432022-03-06Countries Where Italian is Official
432022-01-07Autonomous Regions by Country
432022-04-17Random European Flag to Language
432022-04-21Most Populous Islands of the British Isles
432021-11-02Languages of Tokelau
432022-01-15Christmas Islands Quiz
422021-11-02Countries with more than one time zone
422022-01-30Countries that Drink the Most Beer
422021-11-02Languages of New Zealand
422022-01-07Countries that Speak Albanian
422022-01-07Countries that Speak Armenian
412022-09-18Capitals of Countries "Ruled" by King Charles
412022-01-27Countries of the Soviet Union by Population
412022-04-20Modern Day Countries that Bordered the Ottoman Empire
402022-09-24Frontera más larga de todos los países
402022-03-25Ethnic Groups of Nigeria
402021-11-02Languages of Pakistan
402022-01-07Countries that Speak Luxembourgish
402022-10-08Countries with the most Languages
402022-01-07Countries that Speak Afrikaans
402022-01-08Languages of Spain's Autonomous Regions
392022-02-10Capitals of Countries that Bordered the USSR
392022-01-22Flags of Countries that Border Sudan
392022-01-14Cities with over 1,000,000 people in the Caribbean
392022-06-23Countries with the Most Cypriots
392022-11-14Flags of Unrecognized States
392022-01-21Flags of Countries that Border Italy
382022-01-08Philippine Languages
382022-10-22Presidentes de Cuba
382022-06-15Full Names of Countries in their Native Languages
382021-11-02Languages of the United Nations
382023-01-06Official Languages of Ethiopia
382022-02-07Countries closest to Antarctica
372022-01-15Capitals of the Provinces of the Netherlands
372022-06-23Largest Ethnic Groups in Russia
372022-09-23Sakha Republic Quiz
362022-01-08Micronesian Languages
362022-03-19Leden van de NAVO
362022-01-30Languages of Australia
362022-06-24Largest Islands of Spain
362022-09-24Mégapoles les moins peuplées
362021-11-01Languages of Ghana
352022-02-04US Cities with a Higher Population then Washington DC
352022-06-09Countries of the World in their Native Languages
352022-02-05Countries that Bordered the Soviet Union
352022-02-05Countries that Bordered Austria-Hungary
342022-03-19Miembros de la OTAN
342022-01-08Corsica Quiz
342022-01-09Countries that start with L- Historical Mode
342022-01-26Countries that Border Tibet
332022-02-20Largest Cities of the Middle East
332022-02-19Pohjoismaiden ristin liput
332022-06-24Countries with the Most Austrians
332022-12-10Languages of Google Translate
332022-06-23Countries with the most Danish People
332022-01-17Norfolk Island Quiz
332022-08-14List of Languages with Official Status
322022-09-24Jokaisen maan pisin raja
322022-01-30Largest Crop Producers
312022-01-29Countries in Their Native Language
312022-02-07Countries with the Most Medals in the 2020 Olympics
312021-10-22Countries in 1930's
312021-11-01Languages of Botswana
312022-10-04Most Populous Countries in 1600
312022-04-20Capitals of the Modern Day Countries of the Roman Empire
312022-01-22Countries that Border Sudan
302022-01-15Capitals of Australian States and Territories
302021-11-02Languages of Sint Maartin
302022-06-23Nouveaux membres des Nations Unies
302022-01-07Country Flag-Shape Quiz: Oceania
302021-10-18Biggest Caribbean Islands
302021-11-02Countries with the most Internet Users
302022-01-29Flags of Italian Autonomous Regions
302022-01-09Capitals of Countries that Border the Mediterranean
302022-06-23Bevölkerungsreichste Unterteilungen nach Ländern
302022-01-09Countries that start with M- Historical Mode
302021-11-02Largest Bodies of Water
292022-01-07Countries that speak Dutch
292022-01-30Countries in French
292022-01-08Special Regions of Indonesia
292021-10-13Top 20 Most Densely Populated Countries and Territories
292022-06-23Caribbean Countries and Territories by Area
292022-10-17Islands of Europe by Picture
292022-01-21Countries that Border Turkey
282022-09-23Karelia Qiiz
282022-03-25Capitals of the Republics of Russia
282022-04-13Countries in 1910
282024-12-14Previous Names of Capital Cities
282022-10-09Federated States
282022-02-06Buryatia Quiz
282022-10-04Countries with the most Buddhists
282022-01-09List of country that start with B- Historical Mode
282022-01-29Flags of Countries with only 2 Colors
282024-08-14All World Leaders
282022-01-09Countries that start with F- Historical Mode
282022-01-29Unsuccessful Independence Referendums
282022-01-07Transcontinental Country
282022-01-09Capitals of Countries and Territories of South America on a map
282021-10-12Top 10 Countries with the Highest Birth Rate
282022-01-07Countries that Border Two or More Oceans
272022-09-24Capital Cities that Make up the Highest % of their Country
272022-06-23Colonies of the German Empire
272022-01-28Independence from Who- Part 1
272022-02-07Regional Languages of Afghanistan
272022-06-23Countries that Immigrate to Spain the Most
272021-10-12Geography Quiz
272022-01-30Language Quiz- Part 1
272022-02-05Bashkortostan Quiz
272022-01-09Countries that start with I- Historical Mode
262021-11-02Languages of the Northern Mariana Islands
262022-01-31Capitals of South America with an Empty Map
262022-01-09Countries that start with A-Historical Mode
262021-10-19Most Populated French Islands
262022-01-23Countries that Recognize Abkhazia
262022-01-21Countries that Border Italy
262022-01-23U. S. Territory Quiz
252022-06-23Aziatische landen door hun inheemse talen
252022-09-24Najdłuższa granica każdego kraju
252022-09-24Countries with the most French people
252022-03-10Countries that Border Albania
252022-01-29Countries in Their Native Language- Part 2
242022-05-14Country by 3rd Largest Cities
242022-01-29Capital Cities Furthest from the Equator
242022-02-04Provinces et territoires canadiens selon la population
242021-11-01Languages of Angola
242022-01-27Former British Territories in Africa
242022-02-05Language Names- Part 2
232022-09-23Kalmykia Quiz
232022-09-24Longest Border of Every Country
232022-01-29Mottos by Country
232022-02-03New Brunswick Counties
232022-01-16Capitals of the Regions of New Zealand
232021-11-05Largest natural lakes
232022-01-15Hoofdsteden van de Provincies van Nederland
232024-08-14Languages of Sao Tome and Principe
222022-03-05Regions of Somaliland
222022-01-08Country Quiz
222022-09-23Constituents of French Indochina
222022-02-19Provincies van België met een kaart
222022-01-08Country Flag-Shape Quiz- Africa
222022-01-17Random Flags Quiz
222022-02-06Brazil in Different Languages
222022-09-18Capitals of the Countries of the Persian Empire
222022-01-30Countries in their Native Language- Part 3
222022-09-24Langste grens van elk land
222022-01-30Countries that Produce the most Cherries
222022-01-29Nordic Cross Flags
222022-01-29Flags with a Star in the Middle
212022-04-17Things Every Country is Best At- Part 1
212022-01-29Landen die Afrikaans spreken
212022-02-04Most Populous Cities of Oceania
212022-01-30Countries in German
212022-01-09Countries that start with D- Historical Mode
212021-11-02Longest Rivers
212022-01-09Countries that start with J- Historical Mode
212022-09-23Ingushetia Quiz
212022-01-07Territories Around the World
212021-10-12Countries on the Tropic of Capricorn
212022-12-04Cuestionario de proto-estados
212022-01-07US States Capitals Quiz
212022-02-05Language Names- Part 1
202022-01-09Countries that start with G- Historical Mode
202022-01-09Countries that start with H- Historical Mode
202022-01-30Capital Cities closest to the Equator
202022-09-18Capitals of Countries of the Umayyad Caliphate
202024-05-20Palau State Flags
202022-01-09Countries and Territories of South America on a map
202022-01-08Countries with Spanish as an Official Language
202022-01-14Countries and Territories of the Caribbean by Population
202022-01-28U.S. State Flags by Population
202022-09-24Megaciudades menos pobladas
202022-01-08European Coat of Arms
202022-01-30Language Quiz- Part 3
192022-03-24Countries of the East African Community
192022-03-18Countries that Touch the Persian Gulf
192022-10-07Countries that Border China- Land and Maritime
192024-08-17Asia Capital Cities by population
192021-10-12Countries on the Tropic of Cancer
192022-02-05Language Names- Part 3
192022-01-08Country Flag-Shape Quiz- North America
192022-01-08Countries that Speak Azeri/Azerbaijani
192022-06-17Most Populous Indian Reservation of the USA
192022-02-18Baltic Countries
192022-02-21Biggest Cities of the Arab League
192022-01-09Countries that start with C- Historical Mode
192022-01-09Countries that start with E- Historical Mode
192022-01-09Countries that start with K- Historical Mode
182021-10-14Most Populated Islands of Indonesia
182022-01-07Countries in 1970's
182022-01-07Flags of Countries the Border the Mediterranean
182022-01-07Shuffled Country Flags
182022-01-29Cities By Picture- North America
182022-02-22Armenia in Different Languages
182022-02-18Cities of Sumatra
172022-02-23Countries of the East African Community
172022-02-21Albania in different Languages
172022-01-27Autonomous Republics of the French Empire
172022-01-11Islas mas Grandes de Mexico
172021-10-31Countries by Borders
172022-10-09Hoofdsteden van landen in 1914
172022-01-29Countries in Spanish
172022-01-30Countries with most irrigated land
172022-01-29Républiques autonomes de l'Empire français
172022-04-17What Chinese City?
172022-02-03Regions of the Faroe Islands
172022-01-08Geography Quiz- Part 2
172021-11-02Languages of Mozambique
162022-01-08Country Flag-Shape Quiz- South America
162021-11-02Languages of Mali
162022-10-09Japanese City Flags
162022-02-06Chuvashia Quiz
162021-10-22Countries in 1900's
162022-01-15Sint Maarten Quiz
162022-02-05Language Names- Part 4
162022-01-16Special Administrative Regions
162022-01-16Countries with Provinces
162022-02-05Language Names- Part 5
162022-02-05Adygea Quiz
152022-03-10Countries that Border Afghanistan
152022-01-08Countries to Pictures
152022-01-27Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands
152022-01-16Autonomous Republics of the World
152022-02-03Canadian Provinces and Territories by Population
152022-10-17Biggest Cities in Korea
152022-01-07Country Flags with the Southern Cross
152022-02-02Capitals of the African Great Lakes Countries
152022-09-18Purpose Built Capital Cities
152022-01-17Countries of the World According to the World Factbook
152022-01-08Most Populated Countries- Shape Quiz
142022-02-18Countries that Border the Baltic Sea
142022-01-08Countries that Speak Kazakh
142022-02-20Biggest Country Subdivisions
142024-08-17Capitals of Countries that Touch the Prime Meridian or Equator
142022-04-17Islands by Picture- North America
142022-01-07Overseas Regions by Country
142021-11-02Highest Capital on Each Continent
142022-10-16Islands of Asia by Picture
142022-12-04Quiz sur les proto-états
142022-01-08Country Flag-Shape Quiz-Under 1 Million
132022-09-23Largest Russian Federal Subjects
132022-05-143rd Largest Cities by Country
132022-02-06Belgium in Different Languages
132022-09-24Tuva Quiz
132022-01-15Capitals of Indian States
132022-01-30Language Quiz- Part 6
132022-01-28Countries with Caribbean Coastline
132022-10-19Capitals of the Regions of New Zealand
132021-10-19Biggest French Islands
132022-01-30Language Quiz- Part 2
122021-11-05Least Populated Countries and Territories
122022-09-23Capitals of the Soviet Union
122022-01-07Countries that border China
122022-01-29City Flags Quiz #1
112022-02-21Biggest Cities of South Korea
112022-03-05Districts of Kosovo
112022-01-30Language Quiz- Part 7
112021-11-02Lowest Capital of each Continent
112022-01-30Language Quiz- Part 4
112022-02-21Andorra in Different Languages
112022-09-23Least Populous Countries in 1900
112022-03-05Districts of Northern Cyprus
112022-01-28Territories of the British West Indies
112022-02-05Altai Republic Quiz
112022-10-22Prime Ministers of Malaysia
112022-01-08Regions of Chile
102022-01-28Countries by Coat of Arms- Oceania
102022-01-29Random City Flags
102022-02-21Algeria in Different Languages
102022-01-28Countries and Territories of the Windward Islands
92022-09-24Udmurtia Quiz
92022-09-18Capitals of Countries of the Mongol Empire
92022-02-03Municipalities of China
92022-12-04Proto-States Quiz
92022-01-08Provinces of Costa Rica
92022-01-17Flags of the Regions of Chile
92022-01-14Caribbean Islands by Area
92022-02-21Afghanistan in Different Languages
92022-01-30Language Quiz- Part 5
92022-02-01Mexican States that Border other Countries
82022-01-30Guangxi/Zhuang Quiz
82022-09-24Least Populous Megacities
82022-09-23Komi Republic Quiz
82022-04-19Most Populous Subdivisions by Country
82022-09-23Kabardino-Balkaria Quiz
82022-01-08Regions of Kyrgyzstan
82022-01-27Former Territories of Belgium
82022-02-21Argentina in Different Languages
82022-01-29Biggest Cities of Ecuador
82022-10-22Presidents of Cyprus
82022-04-18Highest Point of Each Continent
82022-01-08Regions of Ethiopia
82022-01-08Regions of Georgia
72022-09-24Biggest Cities in Cuba
72022-10-22Presidents of Algeria
72022-01-29Biggest Cities of Azerbaijan
72022-01-08States of Austria
72022-06-24Most Populous Indian States
72022-02-21Angola in different Languages
72022-01-08Districts of Cyprus Island
72022-01-08Municipalities of Greenland
72022-04-19Capitals of theLeast Populated Countries and Territories
72022-09-23North Ossetia–Alania Quiz
72022-01-28Territories of the Dutch West Indies
72022-01-29City Flags Quiz #2
72022-02-21Antigua and Barbuda in Different Languages
72022-03-05Municipalities of the Northern Mariana Islands
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