Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Most FIFA World Cup Wins | Brazil | 95%
Most Cyber-Security Incidents | Australia | 85%
Highest Coffee Consumption | Finland | 85%
Won the most Winter Olympic Medals | Germany | 85%
Produces the Most Movies | India | 85%
Highest Percent of Population having Tertiary Education | Canada | 80%
Produces the most CO2 Emissions | China | 75%
Shortest Average Height | Indonesia | 75%
Largest Prucer of Cocaine | Colombia | 70%
Least Corrupt Country | Denmark | 70%
Most Visited Country | France | 70%
Country with the Highest Percentage of Internet Users | Iceland | 70%
Strongest Recorded Earthquake | Chile | 65%
Highest Consumption of Olive Oil | Greece | 65%
Highest Number of Porn Stars per Capita | Hungary | 65%
Produces the Most Horse Meat | Argentina | 60%
Highest Individual Tax Rate | Belgium | 60%
Produces the Most Caviar | Iran | 60%
Opium Production | Afghanistan | 55%
Most Baseball World Cup Victories | Cuba | 55%
Most Women per Men | Estonia | 55%
Highest Oil Wealth per Capita | Iraq | 55%
Largest Country with 0% of their territory containing water | Algeria | 50%
Most Paid Time Off | Austria | 50%
Most Atheist Country (Percentage) | Czech Republic | 50%
Highest Percentage of Population suffering from undernourishment | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 50%
Produces the Most Cigars | Dominican Republic | 50%
Smallest Military | Haiti | 50%
Most Military Bunkers per Capita | Albania | 45%
Largest Percent of their Population involved in Agriculture | Bhutan | 45%
Most Buddhist Country | Cambodia | 45%
Highest Maternal Death at Childbirth Ratio | Chad | 45%
Most biodiversity per square kilometer | Ecuador | 45%
Most Heavily Mined Country | Egypt | 45%
Most Expensive Internet | Ethiopia | 45%
Most UN peacekeeping personnel | Bangladesh | 40%
Largest Producer of Rose Oil | Bulgaria | 40%
Highet Environmental Happiness among their citizens | Costa Rica | 40%
Highest Number of Kidney Transplants | Croatia | 40%
Consumes the least Electricity | Republic of the Congo | 40%
Highest Life Expectancy | Andorra | 35%
Highest Consumption of Alcohol | Belarus | 35%
Largest Producer of Brazil Nuts | Bolivia | 35%
Oldest Woman who ever paraglided | Cyprus | 35%
Largest Producer of Cardamom | Guatemala | 35%
Highest Murder Rate | Honduras | 35%
Most Software Piracy | Armenia | 30%
Most Mud Volcanos | Azerbaijan | 30%
Most Land Mines Per Capita | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 30%
Highest Infant Mortality Rate | Angola | 25%
Highest Business Tax Rate | Cameroon | 25%
Least Happiest Country | Central African Republic | 25%
Fewest Cops per Capita | El Salvador | 25%
Largest Producer of Khachapuri | Georgia | 25%
Most-visited country for American luxury travellers | Bahamas | 20%
Lowest GDP per Capita | Burundi | 20%
Highest Number of Child Workers | Eritrea | 20%
Produces the most Mahogany | Fiji | 20%
Highest Number of Sun-Tailed Monkeys | Gabon | 20%
Least Militarized Country | Gambia | 20%
Largest Producer of Diamonds | Botswana | 15%
Cheapest Real Estate per Square Meter | Grenada | 15%
Highest Suicide Rate For Women | Guyana | 15%
Largest Producer of Cocoa | Ivory Coast | 15%
Lowest Individual Tax Rate | Bahrain | 10%
Lowest Public Debt | Brunei | 10%
Shortest Working Week (Hours) | Equatorial Guinea | 10%
Largest Aluminum Ore Reserves | Guinea | 10%
Lowest Suicide Rate | Antigua and Barbuda | 0%
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