Prior Offices
Presidential Candidate
Delegate to the Continental Congress from Virginia; Governor of Virginia; Delegate to the Congress of the Confederation; Minister Plenipotentiary; Minister to France; Secretary of State
Thomas Jefferson
Delegate to the Continental Congress from Massachusetts; Envoy to France; Minister to the Netherlands; Minister to the United Kingdom; Vice President; President
John Adams
Minister to France
Charles Pinckney
U.S. Senator from New York; Mayor of New York City; Lieutenant Governor of New York
Dewitt Clinton
U.S. Senator from New York; Minister to the United Kingdom
Rufus King
Member of the U.S. House from TN-at-large; Justice on the Tennessee Supreme Court; Territorial Governor of Florida; U.S. Senator from Tennessee
Andrew Jackson
U.S. Senator from Georgia and president pro tempore of the U.S. Senate; Minister to France; Secretary of War; Secretary of the Treasury
William Crawford
Democratic-Republican; National Republican; Whig
Member of the U.S. House from KY-5, KY-2, KY-3 and Speaker of the House; Senator from Kentucky; Secretary of State
Henry Clay
National Republican
Member of the Massachusetts Senate; U.S. Senator from Massachusetts; Secretary of State; President
John Quincy Adams
Secretary of the Northwest Territory; Delegate to the U.S. House from the Northwest Territory; Governor of the Indiana Territory; Member of the U.S. House from OH-1; Member of the Ohio Senate; U.S. Senator from Ohio; Minister to Gran Colombia
William Henry Harrison
Democratic; Free Soil
Surrogate of Columbia County; Member of the New York Senate; Attorney General of New York; U.S. Senator from New York; Governor of New York; Secretary of State; Minister to the United Kingdom; Vice President; President
Martin Van Buren
Governor of the Michigan Territory; Secretary of War; Ambassador to France; U.S. Senator from Michigan
Lewis Cass
3rd Commanding General of the U.S. Army
Winfield Scott
American (Know Nothing)
Comptroller of New York; Member of the U.S. House from NY-32 and Chair of the Ways and Means Committee; Vice President; President
Millard Fillmore
Military Governor of California; U.S. Senator from California
John Fremont
Constitutional Union
Member of the Tennessee Senate; Member of the U.S. House from TN-7 and Speaker of the House; Member of the Tennessee House of Representatives; Secretary of War; U.S. Senator from Tennessee
John Bell
Secretary of State of Illinois; Associate Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court; Member of the U.S. House from IL-5; U.S. Senator from Illinois
Stephen Douglas
Member of the U.S. House from KY-8; Vice President
John Breckinridge
4th Commanding General of the U.S. Army
George McClellan
Mayor of Utica; Member of the New York State Assembly from Oneida County and Speaker of the New York State Assembly; Governor of New York
Horatio Seymour
Liberal Republican + Democratic
Member of the U.S. House from NY-6
Horace Greeley
Corporation Counsel of New York City; Member of the New York State Assembly from New York County; Governor of New York
Samuel Tilden
Major General in the U.S. Army
Winfield Hancock
Member of the U.S. House from ME-3 and Speaker of the House; U.S. Senator from Maine; Secretary of State
James Blaine
Sheriff of Erie County; Mayor of Buffalo; Governor of New York; President
Grover Cleveland
U.S. Senator from Indiana; President
Benjamin Harrison
Member of the U.S. House from NE-1
William Jennings Bryan
Chief Judge of the New York Court of Appeals
Alton B. Parker
U.S. Solicitor General; Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit; Governor-General of the Philippines; Provisional Governor of Cuba; Secretary of War; President
William Howard Taft
Member of the New York State Assembly; President of the New York City Board of Police Commissioners; Assistant Secretary of the Navy; Governor of New York; Vice President; President
Theodore Roosevelt
Governor of New York; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
Charles Evans Hughes
Member of the U.S. House from OH-3; Governor of Ohio
James Cox
Member of the U.S. House from WI-3; Governor of Wisconsin; U.S. Senator from Wisconsin
Robert La Follette, Sr.
Member of the U.S. House from WV-1; Solicitor General; Ambassador to the United Kingdom
John Davis
Member of the New York Assembly; Sheriff of New York County; President of the New York City Board of Alderman; Governor of New York
Al Smith
Director of the U.S. Food Administration; Secretary of Commerce; President
Herbert Hoover
Governor of Kansas
Alf Landon
None (Commonwealth & Southern Executive)
Wendell Willkie
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York; District Attorney of New York County; Governor of New York
Thomas Dewey
Governor of Illinois
Adlai Stevenson
Member of the U.S. House from CA-12; U.S. Senator from California; Vice President
Richard Nixon
U.S. Senator from Arizona
Barry Goldwater
American Independent
Governor of Alabama; First Gentleman of Alabama
George Wallace
Mayor of Minneapolis; U.S. Senator from Minnesota; Vice President
Hubert Humphrey
Member of the U.S. House from SD-1; Director of Food for Peace; U.S. Senator from South Dakota
George McGovern
Member of the U.S. House from MI-5 and House Minority Leader; Vice President; President
Gerald Ford
Member of the Georgia State Senate; Governor of Georgia; President
Jimmy Carter
Attorney General of Minnesota; U.S. Senator from Minnesota; Vice President
Walter Mondale
Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives; Governor of Massachusetts
Michael Dukakis
None (Founder and CEO of Electronic Data Systems)
Ross Perot
Member of the U.S. House from TX-7; Ambassador to the United Nations; Chair of the RNC; Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to China; Director of Central Intelligence; Vice President; President
George H.W. Bush
Member of the Kansas House of Representatives; County Attorney of Russell County; Member of the U.S. House from KS-6, KS-1; U.S. Senator from Kansas and Senate Majority Leader and Chair of the RNC
Bob Dole
Member of the U.S. House from TN-4, TN-6; U.S. Senator from Tennessee; Vice President
Al Gore
Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts; U.S. Senator from Massachusetts
John Kerry
Member of the U.S. House from AZ-1; U.S. Senator from Arizona
John McCain
Governor of Massachusetts
Mitt Romney
First Lady of Arkansas; First Lady of the United States; U.S. Senator from New York; Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton