Question | Answer | % Correct |
It usually snows in Thailand. | False | 87%
Bangkok's real name is one of the longest city names in the world. | True | 84%
Thailand don't have kings or queens, they have Prime Ministers. | False | 83%
Thai's currency is called Renminbi. | False | 82%
Thailand is a very tropical country, with humid weather almost everyday of the year. | True | 82%
Touching someone's head is considered rude in Thailand. | True | 80%
Thailand is one of the richest countries in the world. | False | 76%
Christmas is an official holiday in Thailand. | False | 70%
In books, Thai is written across the page left to right. | True | 69%
Thailand is a dangerous country, with very high crime rates. | False | 64%
Thailand has an annual 'Festival of Pigs' | False | 61%
Thailand used to be almost completely water, with very little land. | False | 60%
It's cheaper to live in the Philippines than Thailand. | True | 52%
Giving a thumbs up in Thailand is extremely disrespectful and rude. | True | 31%
Bangkok is the hottest city in the world. | True | 22%
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