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My name means “land of high mountains”, and I was the second ever colony to gain independence, the first being the United States
I am one of the two doubly landlocked country, the other being Liechtenstein, and is the 56th largest country covering 172,700 square miles, comparable to California or Spain size
I once fought a war called “The Football War”, and my name means “The Savior”
El Salvador
I am a Bilingual Nation, and I have the largest navy power of any landlocked country
I have the most tourists per year in 2019, the official language of this country has been the official language of England for about 300 years
I am sometimes called the oldest still surviving country, and I cover about 24 square miles
San Marino
The Independence Day wasn’t meant to be on that particular day, and I had 27 different flags
United States
I have change my flag the most of any country on earth, and I’m the largest producer of opium but a certain group may stop the exports of the opium
My capital is Ouagadougou, and my official language is French
Burkina Faso
I was home to probably the richest man on earth ever because of gold, and I’m the largest country in West Africa