Letter | Hint | Answer | % Correct |
G | Basically a walking tree Member of the Guardians of the Galaxy | Groot | 100%
N | Where Tony built the Stark Tower Location of the New Avengers Facility | New York | 100%
O | Thor's father and Loki's adoptive father Killed by his very own daughter Hela | Odin | 100%
R | That Raccoon | Rocket | 100%
Z | The actor of Gamora | {Zoe} Saldana | 100%
M | Nick Fury's assistant and trusty friend Former Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. | {Maria} Hill | 96%
U | The bad guy in Avengers 2 | Ultron | 96%
W | Their king was T'Challa Where Thanos snapped his finger in 2018 | Wakanda | 96%
C | Sif and Volstagg gave the Reality Stone for him to keep Real name is Taneleer Tivan | The {Collector} | 92%
T | Thanos is a native of this planet Where he fought with Dr. Strange, Iron Man, Spiderman and the Guardians of the Galaxy | Titan | 92%
V | What Tony discovered in Iron Man 2 The strongest metal on Earth | Vibranium | 92%
Y | Centaurian leader of an exiled faction of the Ravagers Peter Quill's 'daddy' | Yondu | 92%
Q | The Avenger Jet The very same model of jet that carried Hulk into Space | Quinjet | 88%
F | Jane's last name | Jane {Foster} | 84%
P | "__________ balanced, as all things should be" - Thanos | Perfectly | 84%
H | Location of one of the three Sanctums Where Dr. Strange revived Wong | Hong Kong | 80%
K | The next Hawkeye A girl who admires Hawkeye when Hawkeye saved her in 2012 | {Kate} Bishop | 80%
D | The Destroyer | Drax | 76%
A | Liquefied Reality Stone It ran into Jane's body and 'kinda' caused Frigga's death | Aether | 68%
E | Adoptive son of Thanos Killed by Iron Man when he blew a hole on the spaceship | Ebony Maw | 68%
L | Where Captain America fought with Rumlow after S.H.I.E.L.D. was dissolved Located in a populated west African country | Lagos | 64%
X | Headquarter of Nova Empire Where Thanos raided for the power stone | Xandar | 60%
S | Where Thor met Hulk for the first time after Sokovia The ruler's called En Dwi Gast, or Grandmaster | Sakaar | 52%
B | Panther goddess who gives the power of Black Panther to T'Challa Also the protector of the Panther Clan | Bast | 44%
I | Love Chris Hemsworth's daughter | {India} Rose Hemsworth | 40%
J | The middle name of Nick Fury | Nicholas {Joseph} Fury | 40%
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