Exchange rate (1$=) | Country | % Correct |
248400 | Venezuela | 86%
42300 | Iran | 79%
2500 | Syria | 72%
4000 | Cambodia | 66%
11600 | Laos | 66%
22000 | Vietnam | 59%
1500 | Lebanon | 52%
4000 | Madagascar | 48%
8900 | Guinea | 45%
14300 | Indonesia | 45%
2000 | Republic of Congo | 45%
3600 | Uganda | 45%
2000 | Burundi | 41%
3700 | Colombia | 41%
2300 | Tanzania | 41%
11700 | Sierra Leone | 38%
11500 | Uzbekistan | 38%
6900 | Paraguay | 34%
2800 | Mongolia | 31%
21400 | Sao Tome and Principe | 28%
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