Try to guess all the peninsulas in the quiz! After you guess an answer correctly, another answer or a portion of it is revealed.
Good luck have fun! 🙂
Answers are accepted in the native language/languages of the peninsula!
Along with the shape of the peninsula, you are given a flag of a subdivision or country or former country, etc. related to the peninsula.
If you wish to know what the peninsulas and flags were among other information, check the pinned comment!
• Peninsulae is also used as a plural of peninsula, however peninsulas is more common
The order of the peninsulas is left to right (if there are multiple rows go left to right on the first row, go down to the second row and go left to right etc.)
Layer 1
• Iberia (Spanish Flag)
• Crimea (Crimean Flag - To avoid the controversial Crimea dispute)
• SpiritOfFire for allowing me to make this quiz
• Brainstorm for the idea of adding flags
• overtired for doing the CSS
• Peninsulae is also used as a plural of peninsula, however peninsulas is more common
The order of the peninsulas is left to right (if there are multiple rows go left to right on the first row, go down to the second row and go left to right etc.)
Layer 1
• Iberia (Spanish Flag)
• Crimea (Crimean Flag - To avoid the controversial Crimea dispute)
• Anatolia (Turkish Flag)
• Baja California (Mexican Flag)
• Indochina (Thai Flag)
• Florida ( United States' Flag)
• Italy (Italian Flag)
• Korea (South Korean Flag)
• Arabia (Saudi Arabian Flag)
Layer 2
• Jutland (Danish Flag)
• Yucatán Peninsula (Guatemalan Flag)
• Lower Peninsula (Michiganian Flag)
• Sinai (Egyptian Flag)
Layer 3
• Brittany (Breton Flag)
• Shandong (Chinese Flag)
• Malay Peninsula (Malaccan Flag)
• Peloponnese (Greek Flag)
• Delmarva (Delawarean Flag)
• Ontario Peninsula (Canadian Flag)
• Cornwall (Cornish Flag)
• Gibraltar (Gibraltar State Ensign Flag)
• Kamchatka Peninsula (Russian Flag)
Layer 4
• Calabria (Calabrian Flag)
• Cape Cod (Massachusite Flag)
• Deccan (Indian Flag)
• North Holland (Prince's Flag)
Layer 5
• Cotentin (Norman Flag)
• Gallipoli (Ottoman Flag)
• Olympic (Washingtonian Flag)
• Antarctic (True South Flag)
Layer 6
• Chalkidiki (Macedonian Flag)
Hope you enjoyed it!
I also kinda cheated, but only with the ones I knew. Tried "Apeninne" and "Lower" which didn't work, so got them from your comments
Thanks :)