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The first time Yossarian saw the chaplain he fell...
Catch 22
It was the best of times...
A Tale of Two Cities
There they were... firing into a continent...
Heart of Darkness
I felt like I could catch her...
Catcher in the Rye
I don't feel any guilt for the gaps in your education
Catch 22
Schell was candy
Marathon Man
Now that you have told me, ....... I am going to promptly forget it
A Study In Scarlet
There he was... dispensing justice like Jupiter...
Heart of Darkness
Just a little bit of cheese...
Treasure Island
As he lay there, he was smiling, his face showed happiness,. He would be with her again.
Wuthering Heights
... was dead. That was the one big flaw in his philosophy.
Catch 22
I wondered why I allowed myself to get involved in such a venture. Then I realized.
Sound and the Fury
Millicent waltzed in. She looked radiant. She swirled. .... Looked at her briefly and his hand waved a gesture of contemptuous dismissal.
Pride and Prejudice
The man waved his hand and swore vehemently. The generals stood frozen. The man's voice softened a little. "Excuse me, gentlemen... but I don't take Czechs."