Question | Answer | % Correct |
If it was not for this Great Man, the English people would be speaking German and indulging in alcohol-induced orgies every Oktober to this day? | Winston Churchill | 100%
When someone invokes the name 'Adolf Hitler' it brings to mind? | World War Two | 100%
When it finally dawned on this dominant member of the class Homo sapiens that 'Operation Barbarossa' was a reality... what did it do do? | Fled to his dacha on the Black Sea and hid under a samovar for eleven days until his foreign minister convinced him that all was not lost and he should reassure his people with a radio announcement that victory would be theirs | 33%
This USN admiral was scapegoated by an early enquiry into the events at Pearl Harbor in December, 1941. He had a unique first name. What was it? | Husband | 33%
What were General Patton's six-shooter's handle-grips really made of? | Ivory | 33%
When this cigar-chewing, brandy-marinated, imperialist, racist prime minister of England did his level best to stop the components of the 2nd AIF fighting the Germans in North Africa, from returning to Australia to defend their homeland from the Shinto threat, this Australian prime minister told the dog breed look-a-like to go and huck fimself. Who was the Australian prime minister? | John Curtin | 33%
General Patton was highly offended one day when a journalist implied that his six-shooters had handlegrips that were embellished with what? | Pearl | 33%
Who was Hideki Tojo? | The prime minister of Japan from 1941 to 1944 | 33%
In 1938, Winston Churchill wrote an open letter to the London Times. He praised the virtues of this man. One sentence in the letter goes something like this "If England ever finds itself in great difficulty, it will take a man like Adolf Hitler to see it through to the good times again." Who was Winston Churchill referring to? | Adolf Hitler | 0%
Another Great Man of England had to revise his quote "The Royal Navy consists of rum, sodomy and the lash." Due to the Admiralty being overwhelmed with volunteers to join up, shortly after the quote became widespread, it had to change one consistency. Which word was changed to 'honour'? | Aye, aye, sir! | 0%
Before he fled the Philippines with his tail between his legs, leaving his staff and soldiers to bear the horror of occupation and captivity, General MacArthur had a nickname by his rank and file. What was it? | Dugout Doug | 0%
Air field where the Shintos realised the USMC were not just a figment of Walt Disney's imagination. | Henderson Field | 0%
This club-footed anti-Semite was seriously considering joining the German Communist Party until one day he attended a Nazi rally and heard Grofaz speak. Mesmerised, he became the Bohemian corporal's most devoted sycophant. Minister for Propanda. Nicknamed the 'Poison Dwarf' by many Germans. | Josef Goebbels | 0%
Nagasaki was the secondary target for a date with an obese male. Which Japanese city was the primary one? | Kokura | 0%
The first air raid against the Japanese home islands in 1942 was command by whom? | Lieutenant-Colonel James Doolittle | 0%
General Patton was hailed as the greatest general of all time. How did he die? | Motor vehicle accident | 0%
Near the end of the war, this horror happened in the Pacific Theatre | Okinawa | 0%
What were 'Seabees'? | People who did construction work, often whilst getting shot at | 0%
French marshal. Competent general during the Great War. When the second round came about, he not only shot himself in the foot... he hacked it off with a blunt Crocodile Dundee knife. Tried for treason, he was sentenced to death. Charles de Gaulle had the sentence commuted to life imprisonment. Died at at age 95. | Philippe Petain | 0%
Not as famous as 'Pipe Face' or the 'Wounded Soldier Slapper' but by all accounts a vastly more competent soldier than both of the aforementioned put together. Was never filmed walking on water and his vocabulary wasn't peppered with dirty words. Did the job and got the hell out of there. | Robert L. Eichelberger | 0%
When the Japanese bombed London in 1942, what were they wearing? | The Japanese never bombed London | 0%
What did the brutal purging of the Sturmabteilung (SA) on June 30 to July 2, 1934 become known as? | The Night of the Long Knives | 0%
Lee Marvin joined the United States Marines Corps, Jack Palance joined the United States Army Air Force and James Stewart topped them both by joining the army AND the air force. What unit did Marion Morrison trip over himself to join? | The Screen Actors' Guild | 0%
In the early days of the Nazi regime Field Marshal (then General) Walter Brauchitsch complained bitterly to his chief-of-staff about the Nazi salute. His chief-of-staff asked what was wrong with it. Brauchitsch replied? | "To Hell with that! I'm going to end up with an eye poked out." | 0%
What was the German code name for the 'planned' invasion of Great Britain? | Unternehmen Seelowe (Operation Sea Lion) | 0%
This SS functionary skipped a rope at Nuremberg. Saved his own kosher by ratting out every co-worker he knew in his company after the gas was turned off in Poland and the guns fell silent. Got a story circulating in OSS headquarters that he personally intervened to stop the shooting of four Red Army deserters, three US fighter pilots from Bel Air, six million Jewish plumbers and a heavily pregnant cat named Ellen Degenerate. | Walter Schellenberg | 0%
This darling of the French fashion world was doing what during the German occupation of France? | Working as a spy for the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) of the SS, sleeping with Walter Schellenberg and working overtime to ensure her business rivals sniffed Zyklon B or at least be in no position to challenge her clothing empire when the 'Final Victory' came along | 0%
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