Episode | Answer | % Correct | |
D | Doomsday | Dalek | 92%
W | Blink | Weeping Angels | 84%
Z | The Day of the Doctor | Zygon | 82%
A | Rose | Auton | 80%
M | Last of the Time Lords | The Master | 79%
O | The Impossible Planet | Ood | 75%
I | Cold War | Ice Warrior | 67%
S | World War Three | Slitheen | 66%
B | The Satan Pit | Beast | 63%
V | Silence in the Library | Vashta Nerada | 63%
R | Father's Day | Reaper | 58%
G | The Unquiet Dead | Gelth | 54%
F | The Waters of Mars | Flood | 53%
K | School Reunion | Krillitane | 50%
C | The Shakespeare Code | Carrionite | 46%
H | Voyage of the Damned | Heavenly Host | 46%
P | Smith and Jones | Plasmavore | 40%
T | Turn Left | Time Beetle | 30%
E | The Long Game | Editor | 27%
Y | The Web of Fear | Yeti | 25%
Q | The Dominators | Quark | 18%
L | Terror of the Zygons | Loch Ness Monster | 17%
J | City of Death | Jagaroth | 16%
N | The Invisible Enemy | Nucleus of the Swarm | 8%
X | The Space Museum | Xeron | 6%
U | The Pandorica Opens | Uvodni | 5%
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